When did Weezer start sucking?

I hate weezer.... alot

here is a tidbit thought... river was called 'weezer' in highschool because he sucked ass at anything athletic, and would start weezing like the pussy ass wimp he is. Now you know where the band name came from! From how big a loser the lead is. Hooray.
Erect Tit said:
I hate weezer.... alot

here is a tidbit thought... river was called 'weezer' in highschool because he sucked ass at anything athletic, and would start weezing like the pussy ass wimp he is. Now you know where the band name came from! From how big a loser the lead is. Hooray.

Somehow I doubt he cares.
Erect Tit said:
I hate weezer.... alot

here is a tidbit thought... river was called 'weezer' in highschool because he sucked ass at anything athletic, and would start weezing like the pussy ass wimp he is. Now you know where the band name came from! From how big a loser the lead is. Hooray.
why would that matter to anyone who isn't 14 years old?