what's your favorite level in a video game?


Veteran XV
mine would have to be All Ghillied Up/Pripyat from Call of Duty 4.
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the milkman conspiracy from psychonauts (though almost any level in that game was amazing: waterloo world, lungfishopolis, gloria's theatre)
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great thread idea

both good choices so far

kinda impossible to pick just one favourite...I'm gonna go with SNOWBLIND and Q1 DM5 (the Cistern) for MP and the opening level/area of Little Big Adventure for SP
Doom 3, Hell


Red Orchestra: Konigsplatz. The sheer desperation of fighting on that map as a german is epic. Probably influenced by a 5 minute 1 on 16 +respawn+tank fight I had for 5 minutes defending the reichstag only to die with 30 seconds to go :(
The zero level on Toejam and Earl, featuring little more than hula dancers, a lemonade stand, and a hot tub.

Also, Sacrabrae :)
Dungeon 4 in A Link To The Past. The twist with Blind the Thief blew me away when I played it originally.