What's the craziest thing you've ever done while driving

Core said:
tons of crazy shit. doing whippets behind the wheel, tried to pull a dukes of hazard in my old Z by trying to jump an unfinished median island - didn't make it, riding down the railroad tracks on thr rails in a pinto trying to beat the oncoming train to the intersection, lots of other stuff i dont even remember. it's amazing i'm still alive.

the train thing is just fucking retarded =/
a chick sucked my woowoo for about 25 minutes. i drove with one hand on the wheel and the other on her ass. she was hawt
It was at night so it's probably the only saving grace.

I was headed to work and went to pass a car that was doing about 15mph under the speed limit. As I pass they sped up, we kept going faster and faster, around a big sweeping curve and up a hill, topping 100mph...but I finally passed him...