What's the best thing you've done to get rid of ...


Veteran XX
Jehovah's Witnesses.

these annoying fuckers are out in force and i don't want them around. if you try and say you aren't interested, they bring more people. if you try and say something against them, they bring even more.

they're like a shitty borg of society. "we are witness. prepare to be converted"

somehow i figure killing them might have some unwanted repercussions. the cars they drive arent even worth a gun and a shovel.

anyone have any good suggestions?
Draw a pentagram on your forhead. and try and couter convert them into satanism.

Pick up a copy of Anton Levay's Satanic bible and start waving it around in their faces.
Fool said:
Don't answer the door.

fuckers caught me outside. i was in the backyard going through some sword exercises and heard cars pull up. i headed to my car and luckily my keys were in my pocket. bitch tried to preach to me while i was backing out of my driveway.
Just tell them you're not interested and wish them a good day.
No need to be mean, just be polite.
Try something along these lines...
"We hold our black mass precisely at midnight, would you like to attend?"
Last I ever saw of them.
Stilgar said:
Try something along these lines...
"We hold our black mass precisely at midnight, would you like to attend?"
Last I ever saw of them.

haha, i take it you're white and they witnesses were black
Depends on if they are the chicks or the dudes...

If they are the dudes, invite them in offer them a beer and then when they try and pull they "hey, would you be interested in...." you ask them if they've been aquinted with your lord saten yet, and start lighting candles and pulling out cerimonial knives.

If its the chicks, invite them in, offer them a beer, and then ask them if they've ever had anal sex before.
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Or, invite them in, ask them to hold on a moment get a bathrobe on and browse porn while they talk to you.