What's the best book you've read?


Veteran X
So I am finishing up Stephen King's Dark Tower series and I realize I don't have any more new books(to me anyway) to read and I haven't heard of anything that sounds interesting. So I turn to TW(probably a bad idea) to suggest some titles I might peruse. I like fiction, preferably sci-fi, but I'm open minded.

My favorite book was authored by a guy named Robert Heinlein entitled Stranger in a Strange Land

Any suggestions?

the cover iz big cause itz epics
A Song of Ice and Fire series is great if you haven't read it yet. There are two side stories that King did with Peter Straub that is related to his Dark Tower series, Blackhouse and The Talisman I think. Currently reading the Tales of the Otori series, seems to be ok.
I couldnt narrow it down to just one.

But if you count re-readings, I've probably re-read John Steakley's Armor the most.

Its a kick in the balls each time, too
The best book I've ever read was Doctor Franklin's Island (the kids version) I haven't read the original yet, but the kids version is pretty shweet.
i really have to give Starship Troopers a lot of credit, but i could hardly say it's the best i've read

but a song of fire and ice is easily the best fantasy
I've re-read The Count of Monte Cristo the most out of any book. Other than that, some favorites are Catch 22, Dracula, Arabian Nights, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and yeah I'll stop there. The most recent book I read outside of class was Akira Kurosawa's autobiography, and I really enjoyed it, but you'd have to be a fan of his to be interested in it obviously.