What would you do TW?

So I'm at home and a big truck with a Mattress Firm logo pull into my drive way and starts unloading a box spring and a mattress. I came outside and said I didn't order a mattress and they said they that the delivery address was here so someone did. So I start looking at what they are unloading and its a queen size Tempur-pedic Cloud set. "Aren't these things really expensive?" I though to myself. So I signed the paper(which had no name as to for whom the order was for) and let them bring it inside. So do I keep it? Call the place and set things right? What would you do Tee dubs?

-$2600 mattress set delivered to my house
-Not mine
-Do I keep it?
Possibly a gift from someone?

They can't resell it now that it has been in your house I think (there is some strange health code regarding mattresses, at least in WA) - call the store and see what's up if you want to be the good guy I guess.
Just because it was delivered to the wrong house it does not mean you own it. I am assuming this is not a gift or someone you know had it delivered there for a reason unknown to us.

If the person who paid for it looks for it they have it on record you signed for it. If you refuse to return it the cops will be knocking on your door.

Happened to an ex-gf. Package delivered to wrong apartment. Idiot signed for it. Contacted UPS who gave his name up. He refused to hand the package over. Called cops. They told him to give it up or go to jail.
You screwed up signing for it if your plan was to try and keep it. Should have refused to sign for it. Since you told them it wasn't yours and they didn't seem to care they probably wouldn't have cared about you signing for it either.

At this point i'd call the store and clear it up before you get a knock on your door and face a potentially embarassing situation.
You screwed up signing for it if your plan was to try and keep it. Should have refused to sign for it. Since you told them it wasn't yours and they didn't seem to care they probably wouldn't have cared about you signing for it either.

At this point i'd call the store and clear it up before you get a knock on your door and face a potentially embarassing situation.
why are you lying

you know damned well if you receive someone elses mattress by mistake and you sign for it you get to keep it without worry
you know damned well if you receive someone elses mattress by mistake and you sign for it you get to keep it without worry

Heh. That's actually sorta' the case here in California. But you have to be invoiced for it.

Because of the toner and office supply scams of the 90's, whereby a company would send your company a box of supplies you never ordered and bill you for it, hoping you wouldn't notice it was never ordered, California passed a law that you get to keep the supplies and not have to pay the invoice.

Had the opportunity a couple of times to bring their collections guys to red-faced screaming over the phone because I wouldn't pay nor return the product. :D
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