What went wrong with... the fake left and the fake right?


Veteran XV
What Went Wrong With?

Love it, hate it, this shit is gold.

I’m old-school left, when left-wing meant something, being left-wing is not just some fake dress you drape yourself in whilst you’re in Uni, going backpacking or whilst you’re attending some shite festival. I’ve seen your types before, you’re oh so liberal while you’re “studying” but you’re quick to become a sheep like everybody else once you get married and squeeze out a couple of sprogs and get a mortgage. Being left-wing is supposed to be in your very core, it’s not just a badge you wear to fit into your factory-line, middle-class clique of so-called friends while you’re “young”. Fuck you and your bullshit costume, dressing like a clichéd hipster and drinking Rainforest Alliance coffee doesn’t make you a liberal in any way shape or form.

Remember that we’re all slaves for the rich and powerful, and that includes you too. Stocks and shares only effect the super-rich, we never really had any power or any real money for any of this shit to matter. It’s pretty crap where I live and it has been for years, a little dip in the economy today doesn’t matter any more than the last financial crisis we had.

Because whether you’re left or right you’re all suckers for rhetoric and quick fixes.

You want to build a wall to a county in which the race that resides there lived in North America before your Caucasoid arse sailed over, and if any minority speaks out against America’s prejudice you’re quick to say “why don’t you leave?” like it’s somehow your country. America isn’t rightfully yours just ’cause you raped and pillaged it, sticking your flag in something doesn’t make it yours, you had to systematically slaughter the natives and build up your fake-Republic with free labour. The country that lays before your racist eyes belongs to everybody who lives there; black, brown, yellow, white, Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, and Satanist. All men are created equal, ever read your own Declaration Of Independence?

As far as I remember trickle-down economics never made it down to the trailer park, so what makes you think a billionaire from New York is going to “Make America Great Again” around your way?
Simple. Fake right is the one that pretends to be nationalistic, as the right worships money which is by nature international. Fake left is the one that insists on globalism while pretending to be about society and future generations, since we know from science that diversity destroys society.
Mandatory sterilisation for all trailer park people would help the global economy.
and by trailer park i extend that to anyone in HUD housing

you can't find your own roof over your head you don't get to create more people
i don't understand how people laugh at trickle down economics but love and support bigger gubmt programs as their salvation to everything.

i mean trickle down doesn't work unless it is called welfare?

I don't get it.....
Welfare gives people money, trickle down doesn't?

I'll believe trickle down works when jobs are brought back to America (read: big business wants cheap labor).

In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith said it was the good intentions of man that would keep a capitalist system going. What happens when there are no good intentions, but greed?

No really. I'd love to see trickle down economics work.
Welfare gives people money, trickle down doesn't?

so you are saying that trickle down only works if you do something for somebody else and that this shouldn't be a requisite to earning income?

to make a living without having to earn anything?

I'll believe trickle down works when jobs are brought back to America (read: big business wants cheap labor).

but what if the government creates those jobs?

what if those jobs are through new deal programs?

broken spending ideas and implementations?

I mean are these not trickle down economic concepts? And why not?

In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith said it was the good intentions of man that would keep a capitalist system going. What happens when there are no good intentions, but greed?

greed is any time you do anything that benefits you above anyone else

if people wake up to go to work, leaving their family, they could be called greedy

if people spend time doing one thing, when they could be doing another, they could be called greedy

if you spend money on one item, instead of another, instead of giving it to another, they could be called greedy.

in fact the world runs on greed. if it didn't poor people wouldn't be possible.

rich people wouldn't exist because it would be far easier to give than to receive. to spend money over make it.

this is like asking why do people care about self preservation. why people aren't willing to starve to death so that others can live longer. it is inherent to human function. to all living organisms on this planet.
You lost me. Most people go to work to make money to support their families- not greedy. I could give similar remarks for the other items you listed. You know I'm talking about the casebook definition of the word greed- the inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs. Wants are subordinate to needs.

Trickle down economics is the idea that high classes provide for the wealth of the lower classes by purchasing goods or services from them, right? It does happen- but I believe the argument here is that this transaction happens with the goods and services being purchased at a diminished value. And also, a majority of the time, those upper classes also own the means of production, or the land you need to live on, so it becomes a "selling your soul to the company store" kind of thing- you do what you must to survive.

I hear what you're saying with the Broken Window Fallacy- to be honest, I'm not advocating Welfare. There's diminished returns on the other end of the spectrum there, for sure. Some people do really need it, but it's also exploited. I'm just saying- Trickle Down is a crock. It hasn't worked. The rules of capitalism don't allow for Trickle Down- profit is the name of the game, and it is greedy by nature. Trickle Down would work if companies did not work for profit- think of it like elastic collisions in physics. For Trickle Down to work, there needs to be a conservation of monetary "energy"- profit is like the a residual thermal energy being created at cancerous proportions.
You lost me. Most people go to work to make money to support their families- not greedy. I could give similar remarks for the other items you listed. You know I'm talking about the casebook definition of the word greed- the inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs. Wants are subordinate to needs.

I quote movies for fun because sometimes, they are right. Best description of greed ever.

You lost me. Most people go to work to make money to support their families- not greedy.

says whom?

if you don't work for free you could very well be called greedy. that is the exact argument we make on a daily basis. why we have a progressive income tax. the more you make the more you need to share.

more you earn more you need to pay because the more greedy you are.

I could give similar remarks for the other items you listed. You know I'm talking about the casebook definition of the word greed- the inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs.

and there you go....who and what decides that?

those who have nothing? or those who have everything?

Wants are subordinate to needs.

exactly....as decided by Americans? Or 3rd worlders walking around without shoes?

that is what I am trying to ask you to think about. it is an interpretative viewpoint. compared to rest of the world there is no such thing as american poverty some say. compared to the rest of the world if you have more than one pair of shoes you are being greedy and selfish with your money.

Trickle down economics is the idea that high classes provide for the wealth of the lower classes by purchasing goods or services from them, right? It does happen- but I believe the argument here is that this transaction happens with the goods and services being purchased at a diminished value. And also, a majority of the time, those upper classes also own the means of production, or the land you need to live on, so it becomes a "selling your soul to the company store" kind of thing- you do what you must to survive.

and there it is....the price of admission. the cost of simply existing.

i have had this conversation with ztir and muky a thousand times. nothing is free and as such everything has a cost associated with it. a universal right to something you demand must ultimately come from anothers time and money to make that a reality.

even people who are absolutely free from the shackles of cost and debt must roam the land to find their own food. to figure out how to fill their stomachs. even they are not free from the laws of nature. the cost of survival. as such, if you don't do this for yourself, you are on the hook and indebted to others who do this for you.

if you are not master of your own domain (which almost none of us are) you are always susceptible to negotiation and bargaining for those services you do not provide for yourself. the less leverage you have the less you are in any ability to demand anything from others.

those who feel like everything is a right are in for a rude awakening when they find out that others don't owe them anything and are not typically willing to work for free. solve that dilemma and you have solved all of our issues in this life.