What the fuck is the deal with this Flipp retard?


Veteran XV
Yeah I know, stop giving him attention etc..

Just wondering if anyone knows what the shit is going on with this guy, he's PMing me now with his spastic ramblings. Anyone ever seen the dood IRL? Is he a fully paid up window licking 500lb social outcast like Tele, or just the worst troll in history, errrr, like Tele?

In before "yeah but he has a better rep score than you " :rolleyes:
Idk, I don't really pay attention to his posts because they are just too unreadable for my simple mind. Maybe if someone who understood them would translate them, then I'd give them a read.
isnt he the dude that got 1k stolen off him trying to buy drugs from someone with a knife
loool mun fukkn witcho pastyass err fukn day o ur life gotchu so fukkt up u b telln y0self sum chit lykka dis 2 feel betta ? lma0 wtf smdh lol :jester:
no one reads his posts

he's a mouth breathing retard

he talks so much shit but refuses to post a picture of himself to prove he's supposedly 250lb 6'5" black guy :lol:

if i ever met him id break his jaw in three places

he'd be eating food through a straw for months
jfcccccccc i m still sucha yuge fukn pussyass fukn numale fuccboi l0s3r ffffffffffffukme y do it b hurtn sooooo fukn much 2 b wakkn up err fukn day ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuk mom y u not finda sharp nuff coat hangr wen i wuzzin yer pussy fukme n fuku 2 mom fffffffffff
d00 no him still soundn lykkit 2 wtf lma0 smdh :jester:
Flipp is pretty funny. His posts are much better than mr shit shoe

You're a Trump supporter. There's no need to comment further on anything, you'll be wrong 100% of the time. This post confirms that. Just don't post is your best way out.
Thank you for your service against these TDS faggot losers, flipp. You got them reeing pretty hard. gg
flipp is great, the sheer amount of effort he puts in for like 1-2 people to read his posts is awesome

keep up the good work!