What sound does a giraffe make?

When asked this, I cupped my hands to my mouth and said, "Giraffe" in a really low voice. It was roflish, I promise.
Maniacal said:
goddamnit how the fuck do you know that
I was just in Disney World and at the Festival of the Lion King stage show I sat in the Giraffe section and we all had to make the sound of a Giraffe.

I also recall seeing some discovery channel thing about giraffe's making very low (near sub-sonic) sounds which carry very long distances and that they can communicate over miles using those sounds.
If its a giraffe at the National Zoo it sounds sort of like a gurgle followed by a loud thump as it hits the ground.
i work at a zoo and i can safely say ive never heard the giraffes make noise.. really all animals except the lions are pretty darn quiet.. and they only make noise when theyre hungry (but you can hear it for about 2 miles)