What kind of hardware does Ascend Require


I hate games, haven't played any since Tribes died out. I'll be damned if I don't have an urge to play T:A though despite its probable shittiness. I need a new work laptop, do you think its possible for me to hoodwink the company and get a laptop that can play Ascend but it still relatively cheap enough so the old battle ax upstairs doesnt notice?

Most business model laptops to cut cost skimp out on video and just stick some shitty Intel HD card in it. Gaming laptops are expensive as fuck to. The best advice to get a refurbed media laptop and maybe add some more RAM to it.
you can probably spend $700-1000 and buy a half decent desktop that will play T:A (if u do buy it from die hard he is a decent guy)

if T:A was a pretty decent game it would be a decent investment

i doubt any decent work laptop could play T:A decently

if u make decent money u could afford a $1k purchase without much worry

that is of course if T:A was a decent game and it were worth it
I spent 293 dollars on new proc / mobo / memory video card

MSI AM3 mobo
AMD x4 Propos
8gb 1333 memory

Fucking rocks TA and SC2.
:lol: So my laptop with integrated graphics can almost run it. It's not too bad if there are less than 20 people in the server.