What is this healthcare bullshit

i love the healthcare system, it's fantastic

dealing w/ health insurance is a real pleasure, we've got a great system i can't believe bernie doesn't like it

my only criticism is it's too easy for people with pre-existing conditions to get coverage these days, the sooner we get rid of that the better
let's bring back the golden age of health insurance before obamacare came and fucked it all up
i love the healthcare system, it's fantastic

dealing w/ health insurance is a real pleasure, we've got a great system i can't believe bernie doesn't like it

my only criticism is it's too easy for people with pre-existing conditions to get coverage these days, the sooner we get rid of that the better

i don't think there should be a limit to the number of times we bring back people who try to overdose on drugs and opiates tbh

i mean who is bernie to be judge jury and executioner just because someone doesn't have the money or the hospital doesn't have the "resources"

whatever that even means.......i mean we aren't locked on some space ship and need to stop acting like it

sky isn't the limit on how high i should be all day as others work because they love it and it brings them meaning
exactly tele

i don't want some faceless government bernie loving bureaucrat deciding if i get coverage

i want a highly trained private sector insurance adjustment intern deciding if i get coverage like maga intended it to be
i want to go to the place where all the best communist dictators go in the world to get their health coverage performed at......where they send their family and loved ones

where michael moore, who swears by Venezuela and Cuban doctors, got his gastric bypass surgery actually done at

that's the meal ticket imo
i happen 2 kno that michael moore had his bypass done in the alley behind my house by a dood called "Mac"
I’ve had pretty much free healthcare sponsored through my employer for the past 3years but recently have received a new and at first glance, generous offer. However upon further inspection their benefits package is trash. $6k/yr for enrollment? No payout until after $6k deductible is met? Max out of pocket is $12k? So I’m possibly on the hook for $18k/yr for a family plan if there’s a health emergency?

So I look at the Obamacare plans and fucking guess what, if you’re offered an employer sponsored plan you no longer qualify for any subsidies or tax breaks on your public plan and you pay full price.

Since when did this healthcare shit get so prohibitively expensive and broken? Last time I looked at the market it was expensive but now it’s just ridiculous.

I guess ya great, more people are enrolled I guess, but for the people paying into this it’ll be too much to ever use.
How else is Shaniqua going to get her 6th kid paid for, Pedro's ER costs covered, and the next heart of the fat fuck who still smokes?!?