What has shaped your political leanings in life?

Parents republican
Registered republican
Rush Limbaugh, Todd Schnitt, Hannity, Web, TW, Mark Dice.
My own views on taxes, spending, immigration.
Purpose of this thread is to try and bring TW back together by understanding each other. I know deep down We are all decent people, not too many I wouldn’t drink a beer with. Hell only two I can think of that I wouldn’t drink with no longer post here.
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For some unknown reason, when I was a kid, I had major authority issues and it got me in a lot of unnecessary trouble. When I was a young kid/teen, I was into a lot of anti-establishment punk rock which fit my anti-authority outlook on life. This, I think, helped to shape my outlook on all things related to the State.

Strangely enough, in a true communist society, there is no State. Or, well, there isn't supposed to be. It's very similar to a pure anarchist system except with anarchy, people are individuals rather than a cog in the collectivist's wheel of communism, all working together in harmony like a colony of ants. Scariest thing I can think of.

When I was also a little guy, I remember very well having to go through 'duck and cover' drills in my elementary and junior HS days, all because the socialists were ready to overthrow us and force us into the collective through MAD. Seeing as how I was so against the State/authority at such a young age, the socialists were and still are, the greatest enemy towards individualism.

And I have been this way for as long as I can remember.

When I turned 18 and registered for the draft etc., I registered as a Republican. At that time, the dogma was for protecting the individual against the collective and that resonated with me. 2 years later, after reading the newspapers on the regular, I realized the Republicans were a total shitshow and were spewing nothing but propaganda. I was also on the mailing list for the John Birch Society :lol:. So, I left and joined the Libertarian party at 20 years of age, and have been one ever since.
i grew up with hardworking parents who did the best they could with 3 boys

my brothers and i were good friends with pretty much every group of people in our small cow town. section 8 niggers, good old country boys who raised cattle and trained horses, division 1 jocks and introverted dorks

ive read tribalwar for a long time and its shaped my sense of humor, but not my politics. ive never really been political, neither my parents.

tw now is just old dudes circle jerking about how liberals are ruining their lives

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Moving to California is the rudest awakening you can imagine. All these different races, all of them into identity politics, and the white people here are total pussies who I dont naturally socialize with, though I can pretend if need be. High rent prices, high crime, broken glass, piss, and excrement all over the streets.

+ rep accurate post

reggs red pilled me 2018
I think most of my leanings were instilled when I was about 10 years old, after watching Karate Kid Part III. After leaving a very successful toxic waste disposal company to help an old friend regain both his self confidence and his business, Terry Silver addresses the crowd with a very inspiring speech. "I've always lived my life by the rule: "If you get, you give." For the last twenty years I've gotten from karate. I've gotten discipline, health, self-confidence, inner peace, everything that makes me what I am today. And today it's time for me to give back. It's my pleasure to announce my partnership with the greatest karate man I have ever known, Sensei John Kreese. Together, we are about to open a chain of Cobra Kai dojos, where young people can come and learn the same values I've learned: honesty, compassion, and fair play."

It really resonated.
Conservative parents who set a good example
Pragmatic, analytical personality
Military service
An appreciation for how good we have it in this country and a desire to preserve that way of life
I got jumped by 6 yutes for my rad hutch with redline flight cranks at the bmx park when I was 15. Popo brought it back to me but the crank threads were stripped.
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