What does it take for you to get into a fight?

Squeeky said:
In middle school fighting was like a weekly occurance. I got in some good ones, middle school was also the first time i got knocked out (talked way to much shit to an 8th grader and first punch i was out like a fucking light).

a lot, usually someone taking a swing at me or a close friend, although when i was little playing peewee soccer i used to throw down all the time for some reason. my parents never figured out why i would be so passive most of the time, and then if some kid pushed me down, id roll to my feet and come up swinging. i got kicked out of so many games, and i was seven or something.
fartiusstinkius said:
I've never been in a fight and I would have to be totally forced into one. I just avoid them at all costs. It's not like they'll solve whatever the problems is anyway.
bullshit, they make you feel better.

On the other hand, I never get pushed into a fight untill I get overwhealmed by this HOT flash of anger then I usually forget what happens till I either hear "you got knocked the fuck out" or "wow you kicked his ass" and I cant ever remember.
jack isnt paceys brother...paceys brother is the cop...jack is the other girl (jill?)'s brother HAHA YOU STUPID IDIOT YOU DONNT EVEN KNOW YOUR DAWSONS CREEK
I have been in alot of fights, most of them when I was a teenager though.

It always took someone to hit me first.

Although I will instigate the other person to hit me first , if his shit talking is sufficient.

I nearly got into a fight with a co-worker last month. He started talking shit to me. I told him to fuck off and finish the car ( he is a tech at my work). Anyways he kept saying shit eventually said Fuck this lets go outside bitch . . .

he started walking outside, I followed. When we got outside he ran to his truck and went home. Leaving his toolbox open and his stuff upstairs in his locker.

Although this guy has wanted to fight alot of people at work. They call him Puddles cuz he is always crying and complaining about the jobs he gets.
I direct attack to me or my family members. If one of my boys picked a fight because I was around, then no(diffrent story if someone else started it). Because some people dont act tough and shit unless they know someone is there right next to them who can fight and take most of the punishment. Cause once he falls like a bitch(cause he has no ability to fight) Its usualy me who has to clean up there mess.

I for one am not a janitor. Nor do I have intrests in cleaning up someone elses mess.
clockw0rk said:
jack isnt paceys brother...paceys brother is the cop...jack is the other girl (jill?)'s brother HAHA YOU STUPID IDIOT YOU DONNT EVEN KNOW YOUR DAWSONS CREEK

You must have missed the last episode.

and I am embarrassed to know that Pacey's brother is indeed gay.

Although Joey is the reason to watch anyway.
I'll fight if somebody's life or health is on the line, first priority my own, second priority somebody I know/give a shit about, third priority somebody I don't know. If I saw somebody I cared about about to or getting the shit beat out of 'em, if I couldn't break up the fight, then I'd jump in and help 'em out.

Otherwise, I keep a cool head in practically everything I do. It takes a lot to get me mad, let alone mad enough to take a swing.
pretty much wont start it unless you piss me off royaly, but as soon as think your even moving towards a punch its on.
Takes a lot to piss me off to the point that I feel I need to resort to violence.

That said, if someone pissed me off to that point, it is likely I would not stop until the threat was dead. :shrug:
You can't do anything verbally to make me fight you. You must hit me first. Then you should start running.
I fought a few times in highschool but I'm not a big guy so it wasn't much fun. I think my record ended up being 2/2. I've never been violent, I just had violent friends who liked to provoke fights.

Now-a-days it would take someone messing with my wife for me to dust off the gloves.

Also, I got an unprovoked ass beating from a 300 pound hawaiian guy when I was 20. Haven't had much of an urge to get in the ring since then...