What can I do with canned chicken to make it tasty...



looks like something you would've deep fried in your industrial sized deep fryer that your wife took from you

did she take your shun knife too lmao
Is it like actual chicken or is it all the weird parts ground up and shoved pastelike into a can?
you could add it to canned chicken noodle soup, because they always screw you on the chicken in that.

hell, they screw you on the noodles too.

actually, its like 99% water, why the hell does a small can of that shitty chicken noodle water soup cost like a dollar
Stick it in a pan, and mix in with some kind of taco spice, then get a tortilla with cheese coating the sides and make poorman's quesidilla.
i didnt know there was canned chicken until a few months ago

the thought still disgusts me
I used to add it to ramen back in college for a delicious* and cheap meal

If I were eating it for after workout protein, I'd just heat it up, throw some mustard on it, and chow down.

Delicious is a relative term. This was delicious for college food