Wendy's manager shot over chili sauce!

Do you live around haitians Stilgar?

If not, then shut up. Want to know how you can find where the Haitians are in downtown Tampa? Wake up at 5 am and listen for the roosters
NoGodForMe and JuggerNaught, titans of idiocy in their own right, team up on haitians and show them what America is all about.
I've hated all Hatians since I learned that their gang in Vice City is completely unreasonable no matter how many Cubans you kill.
the shooter must've been really fucken riled up on crack
my friend who works at wendy's said coked out fiends always come to the drive-thru and act really bizarre
one guy took his meal, then started eating it right outside the window with his car parked. after he was finished, he knocked on the glass, placed his trash, then sped off like the crackhead he was
I accidentally "whipped" a huge Haitian motherfucker when we were repatriating a boatload of them in '94.

We were pulling out of GTMO, and I was stowing the #2 mooring line when I pulled it off its cleat a little too hard, causing it to fly up in the air and smack this big guy on the shoulder.

I didn't even know it had happened until the BM3 told me I just whipped somebody. I turned around to see this dude glaring at me with murder in his eyes. (He was really mad.)

He didn't do anything, though. Probably because he figured the Marines we had onboard would have shot him or something.

Anyway, big Haitian dudes can be scary - so if you're going to Port au Prince for any reason, I recommend you bring a small contingent of Marines.
Do you live around haitians Stilgar?

If not, then shut up. Want to know how you can find where the Haitians are in downtown Tampa? Wake up at 5 am and listen for the roosters

Excuse me?
You candle sniffing, tin foil hat wearing, rasis excuse for a turd?

What a fucking clueless, nasty, wrong headed ass you are.
You are talking about fucking people, schmuck.
Not the dog that you kick.
Excuse me?
You candle sniffing, tin foil hat wearing, rasis excuse for a turd?

What a fucking clueless, nasty, wrong headed ass you are.
You are talking about fucking people, schmuck.
Not the dog that you kick.

Blow me you tree hugging moron. Go hang out down in some of the sketchy parts of miami. Watch the haitian females who are practically dripping with std's blow guys in alley's for 20 bucks. You can get some good entertainment when you watch the haitian males go along behind semi trucks stuck in miami traffic and actually rob the truck while its moving. Then later as an added bonus, you can watch these pure and gentle townsfolk kill each other over stupid shit like air jordans.

They are mutts. Uneducated, uncivilized, barely in the walking upright stage. So obviously the best thing to do is to welcome their virus carrying, non washed asses to our shores and then throw them into one of the most heavily populated cities on the eastern seaboard.

They aren't all worth saving. sorry.
I keep trying to think of some way to make a joke of this and "where's the beef?" but it's not working. So "Where's the beef?".