i'm always here

sam doing a great job of providing fun to read content posts

keeping it alive

thank you sam.........:)


this was a real entry into the HALL OF COST thread........LOL

up there with the rollercoasters and wooden gas doors for sure
i should have come back for this gem

weinstein jewish or white wiki changes


by far my fav in the series when Rothschild tried to play this (((game)))

and got called out on it.......boy they are good at projection i give them that
container is such a douchey bar but I like it

they sold me a bottle of prosecco on new years eve for $30 because everyone else there is 19 and never thought about buying a bottle.
This Morning fans in shock as woman tearfully marries her dog after giving up on men
This Morning viewers were left gobsmacked on Tuesday as guest Elizabeth Hoad married her pet dog, Logan, live on air.

The ceremony, which was officiated by a sniggering Alison Hammond, saw an emotional Elizabeth walk down the aisle in a white dress and a fascinator, accompanied by Eamonn Holmes as the bemused This Morning cast watched from the sideines.

Kem Cetinay was on hand to give a ring to Elizabeth, and she placed a wedding bracelet on the dog's paw while tearfully saying her I do's.

The bizarre ceremony was even packed with doggy vows, as Elizabeth declared: "With my body I promise to take you for daily walkies and all that I have in my doggy treat cupboard I give to you, and all those cuddles on the sofa I share with you."

But even the blushing bride couldn't help but notice Logan – who she rescued from a shelter – didn't look too thrilled as he stood in a top hat and a tuxedo, causing her to sheepishly comment: "He doesn't look very happy does he?"

Speaking to Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford on the famous sofa ahead of her nuptials, Elizabeth explained why she had made the drastic decision, revealing that after four failed engagements and 221 dates she had given up on men for good.

Elizabeth told Eamonn and Ruth that she had been on dating website after dating website, but failed to find a love like theirs.

"It must be me. I dont know, I'll tell you what I think.... the older men want the younger women and the younger man want the older women," she reasoned.

"I've got a son of 25, men of that age are asking me out."

The final straw was when she was speaking to a man called Alibi Andi after meeting on Facebook only to discover he was already married.
Twitter: A rat runs through a FOX45 Baltimore Reporter’s live shot during a story on President Trump’s tweet Baltimore is rat infested

Rat Photo bombs FOX45 live shot
BALTIMORE (WBFF) - A rat was seen running through a FOX45 reporter’s live shot during a story on President Trump’s tweet Baltimore is rat-infested.

Maxine Streicher was in west Baltimore's Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood today to report on conditions.

The neighborhood is part of U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings' Congressional District 7.

Trump blasted Cummings' handling of the district this weekend.
Neato. Some Canadian news.

Bugs will 'eat' teen fugitives in Canada, survival expert says
Dave Arama is one of Canada's leading survival experts.

He knows the dangers lurking in the swampy sub-Arctic boreal forest around Gillam, Manitoba, where accused teen murderers Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky are suspected of hiding out in the past week.

If the duo did enter the wilderness and did not find some type of shelter, Arama predicts they are dead or close to it.

It is not the black bears, polar bears or wolves Arama places high on his top 10 list of dangers the teenagers would face.

It's the insects.

There's relentless blood-sucking deer flies, mosquitoes, sand flies and other bugs.

"They eat you alive," Arama, owner of the Ontario-based WSC Survival School, said.

"They won't stop biting until until your eyes close and you can't see no more.

"Or, if you get enough bites you can go anaphylaxis and then end up in a serious life-threatening reaction."

Water might be plentiful in northern Canada during summer but, instead of keeping the teenagers alive, it also could be highly hazardous.

"If they drink any water, it is likely filled with parasites, giardia and they'd get sick as hell from that," he said.

McLeod, 19, and Schmegelsky, 18, are suspected of embarking on a killing spree two weeks ago in Canada's western province of British Columbia by fatally shooting Australian Lucas Fowler, 23, and his US girlfriend, Chynna Deese, 24, on a remote highway.

[Bunch of stuff the kids are accused of]


Blake agrees with Arama that, for McLeod and Schmegelsky to survive more than a few days in the wilderness, they would have needed to have found a hunting cabin or another type of building.

In winter the temperatures drop to -20 degrees with the wind chill pushing it down to the -50s, but, even in the current summer months, the temperatures have dropped below 10 degrees and there have been rain storms.

McLeod and Schmegelsky are both thin, standing 193 centimetres tall and weighing just 77 kilograms, making it less likely they could survive a week outside without food and appropriate clothing.

Arama said they would need to be wearing waterproofed wool and microfleece gear.

The camouflage attire Schmegelsky is seen wearing in video surveillance footage was inadequate and the T-shirt McLeod was in was "a certain death sentence".

Arama said he has had groups in the wilderness for nine or 10 days who on average lost nine to 23 kilograms "just to try to stay warm".

"I'll be honest. With 40 years of experience, if you threw me out there with no knife, no tin can, no flint to start a fire, no tarp, no nothing, I'd rather die," Arama said.

"This is no Crocodile Dundee movie. This is real."

Death by bugs. Huh...

The article is now deleted but thankfully someone thought to archive it.

Mass Shooters & the March Against Whiteness
In wake of yet another mass casualty event in not only El Paso Texas but also Dayton Ohio on the same day, it is time the targeted communities of America stood up against the prevailing threat of our time. It is time for us to March Against Whiteness.

President Donald J Trump took office under a divisive platform of hate and racism only to assume the position of commander and chief through questionable means of hacking voting machines with the help of his Russian allies. Rural White America has spoken. They are a regressive group of racists who will do almost anything to hold on to the fleeting power they once held a monopoly over. From marching in Charlottesville to online hate trolls, it would appear that white America has found their new niche within the 21st century, The Mass Shooter.

As a woman of color, i have watched this country fall apart since Obama left office. White men have become the number 1 terrorist threat facing the nation today and even the current President of the United States refuses to address the prevailing issue of White Terrorism.

[I'm inserting this image as a reality check]

This is why i am calling on all members of minority communities to set up their own March Against Whiteness rallies in their cities to show this country once and for all how we are ALL feeling about this horrible situation facing black and brown communities alike.

On August 10, 2019. New York, San Fransisco, Boston and all other major cities in America will be holding a March Against Whiteness rally to express our anger, frustration and desperation with the current political climate of racism and hate under the Trump Presidency.

This is an official declaration and proclamation. We will no longer stand idle as our brothers and sisters are gunned down by white supremacists for nothing other than the color of their skin.

I beg of you to set up your own March Against Whiteness in whatever city you reside in and to spread the word. The time for action is NOW!

We are constantly told of this mysterious transformation of the 2 political parties in the US, where the Democrats became the Republicans of old, the Republicans have become the new Democrats of late. No one seems to be able to give me an exact date this transformation happened - hell, they can't even give me a year. But the theory states that at some point, the Emo's had a change of heart and stopped the hate... of black people.

The hate didn't stop though - just the color of the skin the left now hates. As of the mid-1960s, the Democrats were very anti-black people yet we are now told they are now the champion of blacks - although I've yet to see it - that is beside the point.

What is important is that the HATE never left the party - just the color of the skin of the human has.

I have a sneaky suspicion that the left in the country believes they will be victorious in a war against the white people in this country. :nuts: Literally, :nuts:

Or, the left is being misled by a very deciving media that is controlled by people who are born of a family.
1964 is a good place to start

In the 1964 presidential election, Goldwater ran a conservative campaign that broadly opposed strong action by the federal government. Although he had supported all previous federal civil rights legislation, Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act and championed this opposition during the campaign[37][38] He believed that this act was an intrusion of the federal government into the affairs of state; and second, that the Act interfered with the rights of private persons to do business, or not, with whomever they chose, even if the choice is based on racial discrimination.

Goldwater's position appealed to white Southern Democrats and Goldwater was the first Republican presidential candidate since Reconstruction to win the electoral votes of the Deep South states (Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina). Outside the South, Goldwater's negative vote on the Civil Rights Act proved devastating to his campaign. The only other state he won was his home one of Arizona and he suffered a landslide defeat.


it *is* possible for one party to have two different factions like the northern democrats and the dixiecrats, and today's corporatist democrats and socialists. the world isn't black and white or red and blue.