When the #metoo movement goes too far.


Indonesian newlyweds ate alleged rapist's genitals
A newlywed Indonesian couple have been arrested over claims they dined on the genitals of the woman's suspected rapist after her husband allegedly murdered him and cut off his private parts, police said on Tuesday (Nov 17).

The victim's body was found in a burnt-out van after a suspected revenge attack sparked by claims from the new wife she was raped a week before her wedding on Sumatra island.

The husband, 30-year-old Rudi Efendi, has admitted murdering the man after discovering his wife was not a virgin on their wedding night in September and being told of the alleged rape, but insists he acted alone.

"I was so outraged," Efendi told reporters after his arrest last month, adding that deciding to eat the victim's genitals was "to cure my heartache".

Police say that after murdering the man, Efendi took home the victim's severed genitals, ordered his 20-year-old wife to cook them, and the pair then ate them together.

The victim was a driver, whom the wife used to date.

Sulistyaningsih, a local police spokeswoman who goes by one name, [wtf does that even mean?] told AFP: "The case is still under investigation but we strongly suspect that this is a premeditated murder." The husband is accused of carrying out the murder, while police believe the wife acted as an accomplice.

The victim was found dead in early October in a burnt-out van in Tulangbawang district, Lampung province. Police later arrested Efendi and his wife.

Efendi had ordered his wife to contact the victim and set up a meeting, according to police. But when the victim arrived, he found only Efendi, who then allegedly stabbed him to death, cut off his genitals and set the vehicle on fire.

"...related to conflicts between warring criminal gangs..."
those darn kids

"...In response, the government issued a first-ever ”amnesty for explosives” in the fall of 2018, allowing people in possession of such weapons to hand them over to police with immunity. But this didn’t stem the tide..."
and I thought it was such a good idea during the staff meeting.
anyone remember when they had that gun buy in program for 100$ walmart giftcards and all those dudes showed up offering 100 in cash for the guns as they waited in line lol
‘Self-Righteous’: Dem Staffer Headed To Prison As Prosecutors Look To Make Example Of Him For Politically-Motivated Crimes
  • A former Democratic congressional aide who doxxed Republican senators during a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be sentenced to prison Wednesday.
  • Former computer administrator Jackson Cosko carried out what prosecutors said was the largest known data theft in Senate history and used it to blackmail a witness, to plot to extort a senator and to threaten others.
  • He left operational spy devices on the Senate network that went undetected by police even after he was arrested and his plot was discovered, prosecutors said.
  • Prosecutors are seeking to make an example of Cosko for criminally attacking people who disagreed with him politically, citing a rise in such incidents.
A former aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is headed to prison Wednesday for what prosecutors said was the largest known data theft in Senate history.

The former aide, Jackson Cosko, pleaded guilty in April to crimes related to an unparalleled effort to ransack a Senate office, extorting a Democratic senator, illegally harming Republicans for their political views, and blackmailing a witness.

Prosecutors asked for nearly five years in prison for Cosko, a onetime congressional IT aide to Hassan. Cosko admitted he stole the New Hampshire Democrat’s data out of revenge for being fired, then used it to doxx Republicans during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.

“The government believes that a significant sentence would help to make clear that difference of political opinion do not entitle people to engage in politically motivated, criminal attacks threatening elected officials with whom he disagrees, and would thereby encourage respect for the law, and deter future criminal conduct,” prosecutors wrote.
{The inside quotes are what I find to be interesting. Do we plebs get the same protection from people politically motivated to doxx us or, is this only to be used for those to whom are above the laws we have to follow?}

Even after Cosko was arrested and a computer was quarantined, Capitol Police and Senate employees did not realize that keylogger devices were plugged in to many of the office’s computers, according to prosecutors. The devices continued to beam every keystroke — including passwords to personal and business accounts — over a WiFi signal that could be accessed from the public hallway.

The Senate later realized that it was still being spied on only because Cosko informed government agents of the devices, the memo says. Police still have been unable to detect the devices’s WiFi signals, making it impossible to rule out that they aren’t plugged in elsewhere in Congress.

Prosecutors said Cosko had “self-righteous entitlement” and a “belief that he could violate the sanctity of the United States Senate at will and threaten individual Senators as he pleased.”

He wanted to use stolen data “to punish people who disagreed with his politics” by publishing the personal information of Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Mitch McConnell, the memo says, which noted that Cosko laughed about his actions.

Prosecutors said his case must be a deterrent to what they said are rising politically-motivated attacks.

“The defendant operated under the belief that he was entitled to inflict emotional distress upon United States Senators and their families, simply because they disagreed with the defendant and had different political views,” prosecutors wrote. “The government believes that there appears to have been an increase in similar criminal harassment, particularly through social media channels, by people across the political spectrum.”

I also really like this sentence, "that keylogger devices were plugged in to many of the office’s computers..." as if a keylogger is something that plugs into the computer and the wall. lol.

EXCLUSIVE: Second Hassan Staffer Allegedly Helped Aide Steal Massive Amounts Of Senate Data
In 2015, she wrote on LULAC’s website: “Identifying as a half African-American and half Caucasian woman, many people questioned why I wanted to intern at LULAC for the summer … They thought I should be spending my time within my own demographic, serving my own people, and representing my own culture.”

Her Instagram says she was raised in Wisconsin.

Hassan is a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs.

Cosko is the Bernie Sanders-supporting son of a millionaire with close ties to California politicians, TheDCNF previously reported. His father is the past head of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and is CEO of a company that constructed a building named after the husband of Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

The California senator is the top Democrat of the Judiciary Committee, which held the hearings regarding Kavanaugh’s nomination. Cosko once interned in Feinstein’s office.

Prosecutors said in earlier court filings that Cosko “expressed intention to commit more similar crimes while charges were pending.” But in December 2018, his lawyer argued strenuously to get the slight-framed 27-year-old out of general population jail in D.C.

On Sept. 27, Cosko “became angry” while watching the Kavanaugh hearing on TV, the statement of facts shows. From his House computer in Jackson Lee’s office, using data previously stolen from Hassan’s Senate office, Cosko “responded by maliciously publishing the personal home addresses and telephone numbers” of Republican senators to Wikipedia “with the intent to intimidate them, and with the knowledge and intent that others would use that information to intimidate,” according to the statement.

The senators included Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Mike Lee of Utah, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and — after he called for finding and punishing the suspect — Rand Paul of Kentucky.

On Oct. 2, DeForest-Davis allegedly “provided [Cosko] the keys knowing that [he] intended to unlawfully enter the Senator’s office that night,” prosecutors said. A Hassan aide who recognized Cosko as a fired staffer caught him there, and Cosko fled and then emailed the witness “If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials,” the statement of fact shows.

The next morning, he met with the accomplice to return the key and asked her to “wipe down all of the computers, keyboards and computer mice, and to unplug the computers in Senator Hassan’s office,” according to the statement.
This is NUTS! :lol:

Corrupt Clinton Foundation Foreign Policy Director Amitabh Desai Disappears
Over the past decade the Clinton Foundation’s Amitabh Desai was very active capturing money for the Foundation. The far left New York Times even commented on this when Desai was involved in a transaction with Russia:
But this was not Desai’s first clandestine transaction for the Foundation. In 2011 it was reported that –
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) CEO Ira Magaziner sent an email to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, Clinton Foundation foreign policy director Amitabh Desai, Douglas Band (an aide to former US President Bill Clinton), and two others, regarding Saudi Arabian and Ethiopian billionaire Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-‘Amoud [above].

Magaziner writes: “CHAI would like to request that President Clinton call Sheikh Mohammed to thank him for offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia and expressing regrets that President Clinton’s schedule does not permit him to attend the conference.”

Desai replies, “Unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check, this sounds crazy to do.“

Band then comments, “If he doesn’t do it CHAI will say he didn’t give the money [because] of wjc [Bill Clinton].”

Podesta writes, “I agree with Doug and this seems rather easy and harmless and not a big time sink.”(Wikileaks 10/12/16)

Thus it can be seen Sheikh Mohammed is giving some money to the foundation, though the amount is unknown. Also, the exchange shows Podesta, who has no position in the foundation, helping make foundation decisions.​
[Bunch more at link]

Amitabh Desai was involved in many more illicit transactions related to the Clinton Foundation. He worked with Bill Clinton trying to reach agreement with the State Department to give a speech in Congo, to the poorest country in the world, for $650,000.

Desai received emails from Cheryl Mills that contained classified information. He worked with Libya’s President who sought to meet with Bill Clinton just two days after the Benghazi terror attack. (Desai must have done his job because the Libyan President did meet with both Hillary and Bill Clinton later that month.)

Finally, Citizens United, the conservative watchdog group, requested emails from the Clinton Foundation and in particular those of Amitabh Desai. Of course this was delayed and delayed with only 17 emails provided in the first two months out of an estimated 4,000 emails requested.
if it's bullshit why is he on the run

i can feel it we are finally closing in on the globalist clinton cabal

we're finally gonna do something !!
I like your hope and courage to find the truth cael
i really don't think the clintons are going to jail
but there's always hope