since he was revising history, again, i was so optimistic that Quentin Tarantino was going to do the right thing in "Once Upon a Time" Movie with Roman Polanski's character.

Instead I realized that Quinton was more of a life long Polanski protege and Harvey Weinstein copy cat than anything else

so i was very much disappointed but it did remind me of why old crazy fuck Helter Skelter never got let out of prison, why he was considered most evil person alive, even above the people who did all his killing, and that was given what he told these people to do to a lot of predominantly Jewish producers

so that was worth the reminder i suppose.
Rumors Of Macro Fund Failure Amid Ultra Long Bond Explosion | Zero Hedge

uh oh im back 0hedge...

namely from that article these images:




tele id like to turn this partially into potential economic meltdown thread

i lost 50% of my portfolio and got it back by going three to one treasuries long vs long usd

thank you jpm for telling me exactly what you were setting up to do (get cheap bonds before the bottom fell out because you dictate to the fed what you want them to do)

now that is great news

you are using smart money to chase their endlessly dumb and dishonest money

the way the repo rate game was designed to be played by people who recognize it for what it is and will always be


no wonder jamie dimon suddenly having "heart issues"

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Is Recovering After Emergency Heart Surgery - WSJ

great time to buy CHASE stock though

wait until CFO jumps off roof before hitting "BUY BUY BUY"

the times they may be a changing

amazing how the market has rallied on bad news (cause gov intervention is forced)

drops on good economic news (cause gov might back off)

we shall see how much longer that can go on but in the meantime it makes me happy to see you getting back your money and then some against these awfuly selfish SOBs.

possibly one of the worst banks to ever exist. which is some prize for sure
americas greatest ally folks

US Army scraps $1b. Iron Dome project, after Israel refuses to provide key codes | The Times of Israel

extra love since you know we built it for them

basically handed them the first codes

wrote all original source code for them

and you know pay them 4 Billion a year to be able to say do this

A central problem was Israel’s refusal to provide the US military with Iron Dome’s source code, hampering the Americans’ ability to integrate the system into their air defenses.
Turkey on Migrant Wave: European Govts Will Fall, Stock Markets Will Collapse
The Turkish president’s Minister of the Interior, Süleyman Soylu, has predicted that mass migration across the Greek border will change Europe’s governments, bring down their economies, and collapse the stock market.

“In a certain period [of time], the number [of migrants crossing the border] will reach one million,” Soylu predicted in an appearance on the Tarafsız Bölge programme on CNN Türk.

“Europe cannot endure this, cannot handle this. This is not the first time I am talking about it.

“The governments in Europe will change, their economies will deteriorate, their stock markets will collapse,” he boasted.

“They are not aware of this. Let them do whatever they want to do.”


Buh-bye Europe.