very solid compilation

I was watching RT and they had an entire section on if it was ok about some girl in Denmark (if I remember correctly) being able to have assisted suicide because she was sad all the time, hated herself, was socially awkward, and feared for the future.

they said if it was ok for cancer patients it should be ok for her

then some Sigmund Fraud type shrink (also jewish) kept saying of course it was ok and if meds didn't make her feel better she should be able to just die as if her disease was untreatable.

of course in america we don't need the state to figure those things out

but what a fucked planet we have..........56% rise in suicides for kids between 15-24 in last ten years.

All of them might as well be Greta Thunberg types at this point

where the dumb ones think they have less than 12 years left to live

and the smart ones realize the future really is uncertain

the self hatred is planted like a seed so deep inside them that it is going to be all but impossible to uproot.

no wonder the rest are turning to anything else they can possibly find for forgiveness or guidance or to turn off the noise.
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how is this even a crime?

i can be a boy or girl

why can't i be any race i want?

Mom who lied about son's ethnicity on college apps gets 3 weeks in jail

why isn't Liz Warren a felon?


we all just going for gold
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Cant believe the bernie hipster coffee shop boys still trotting this guy around

Literally one reeee away from death already one foot in the grave

They won't give it up will they

Least he is splitting the votes from crazy liz pocahontas warren but they too dumb to see that

Cant believe the bernie hipster coffee shop boys still trotting this guy around

Literally one reeee away from death already one foot in the grave

They won't give it up will they

Least he is splitting the votes from crazy liz pocahontas warren but they too dumb to see that

anubis is like a little more of my parents allowance $$$$

and I can give it to Bernie

then he can be President

I will move there with open borders

and get allowance $$$$ for life

not just as long as his parents are kicking

this is what they call long term smart investing


the kind you create a real deal legacy on

his free college didn't make him no dummy
Always removes female symbol from menstrual products in the name of ‘inclusion’
We’ve been getting hit over the head for a while now with this new language wherein women aren’t the only ones who have periods. Even though that doesn’t make any sense, because only people with female reproductive systems have periods, and only females have female reproductive systems, companies that make products for women to use while menstruating are being convinced to change their marketing approach so that they’re not marketing products only females need to females.

The latest menstrual product provider to get into the act is Always. A Proctor & Gamble Company, Always is a long time maker of sanitary napkins, or pads. But they’ve recently come under fire for having the female symbol on the wrappers of their pads, because some people who have female reproductive systems and need to use pads feel excluded by the symbol for female. In July, there were a few viral tweets about how trans and non-binary people use pads too, and the symbol is exclusionary. Always, signalling how progressive and forward-thinking they are, came back and said that as of December of this year, that symbol would no longer be on the packaging.

And no, that was not found on the Bee. Shit like the above is something we would expect to find on the Bee but sadly, no, this is the regressive world we now live in.



Menstrual product company Public Goods is also interested in making sure women know that women aren’t the only ones who experience a need for tampons and pads. On their site, they talk about how their corporate speak is changing from using the term feminine hygiene to menstrual care. Writing for the Public Goods blog, Ashley Laderer points out that “Transgender guys can have periods. Non-binary people can have periods. It’s not just women, and to think as such is small-minded.” So if you’re one of the many women who is pretty much 100 percent sure that only female reproductive having persons, aka women, are able to have periods, there’s something wrong with you. Telling women that believing the truth about their own bodies makes them small-minded is basically the worst kind of gaslighting. It’s saying that if women don’t believe a lie, there’s something wrong with them.
Just... wow!
Seattle Public Schools Say Math Is Racist
The Seattle Public Schools Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee (ESAC) released a rough draft of notes for its Math Ethnic Studies framework in late September, which attempts to connects math to a history of oppression.

The framework is broken into four different themes: “Origins, Identity, and Agency,” “Power and Oppression,” “History of Resistance and Liberation,” and “Reflection and Action.”

The committee suggests that math is subjective and racist, saying under one section, “Who gets to say if an answer is right,” and under another, “how is math manipulated to allow inequality and oppression to persist?”

The idea of math being problematic has been promoted among academics with a Vanderbilt professor saying that math education is sexist and a high school in Canada last year moved to “Africentric Math” to try and promote more black students.

We need to stop all public education. It's no longer worth the cost to send our kids to these Marxist daycare centers only to be taught that the things that have allowed our species to advance are actually racist because brown-skinned people are too fucking stupid to learn any of it.
Tom Morello said:
Yesterday I went into the Cantina at the new Star Wars land at Disneyland and the bartender leans over, sneakily gives me this, and whispers, “It’s not often we get a Resistance General in here. Thank you for your service.” I almost cried.

Tom Morello on Twitter:


I mean talk about raging against the machine


the only person to mock this better than the OP just did