
This message was brought to you by higher 'education' that we are being asked to pay for...

This message was brought to you by higher 'education' that we are being asked to pay for...


and then she goes back to teaching gender studies

with her minor in feminist literature

and african american world history

but race doesn't matter.........there is no difference between the sexes

if only we could stop JUST white people from being racist and kill all them toxic masculinity men

i mean this type of intellectual idiocy would be more amusing to me if they didn't swap beliefs like they were a villainous M. Night Shyamalan schizophrenic

they choose to cling to several different identity groups, for meaning, for collective bargaining power, for intimidation, while denying others the ability to even acknowledge that they should have their own.

we will see how much longer this tactic works for them until white people everywhere wise up to this game and how it is being played.

Letter: What is going on in our public libraries? - Alpha News

"...Thirteen more “Stories Together with Drag Performers” also known as Drag Queen Story Hours are scheduled in Hennepin County libraries through November. They are billed as suitable for “families, preschoolers and toddlers...”


i was told in 2008 that gay marriage might open up pandoras box

and cut off her labia

but here we are with that proven without any shadow of a doubt

2008: We just want gay marriage and equal rights
2019: Bake our cake for us, shave our tranny balls, and suck the tip bigot

Unfucking believable and it is only going to get worse

even if I don't know how that is even possible atm

they are figuring it out as I type this
Video: ABC News is trying to use explosion footage from 2016 and use it today to claim Turkey is destroying the Marxist Kurds
Turkish military bombing Kurdish civilians...
Now, horrific report of atrocities committed by Turkey against Kurdish allies...

Except, it wasn't.

ABC News claims gun range footage is ‘Turkey’s military bombing Kurd civilians’
Mainstream media wonders why conservatives call them “fake news.” It doesn’t take the President pointing it out anymore for us to see their dishonest ways. ABC News is the latest propaganda machine attacking the President, this time trying to manipulate the public by using 2016 gun range footage as an example of Turkey’s military bombing civilians in eastern Syria.

Reports of attacks by the Turkish military as well as their Syrian opposition force proxies on Kurdish cities and villages have prompted the President and many in Congress to work on harsh sanctions against the Middle Eastern nation. But media reports continue to paint the picture in a much worse light than it really is.

Here’s the original video from 2016:

It looks like ABC knew exactly what they were doing by editing the original footage above, and trying to pin it on Turkey today. That right there is a perfect example of the Jewish controlled Marxist media empire we discuss every fricken day.

toss this one has to go on the list

“We can’t leave the Middle East because ___”

2001: “they did 9/11!”
2003: “Sadam has WMDs!”
2007: “Iraqi civil war!”
2009: “We’ve almost won!”
2011: “We can’t just pull out now..”
2013: “They’re too unstable!”
2015: “ISIS!”
2017: “ASSAD!”
2019: “THE KURDS!”

this one goes up there with the baby bottle manufacturing facility

U.S. insists that Iraqi baby formula plant made biological weapons WAR IN THE GULF - Baltimore Sun

they don't realize the power of the internet

but they do realize why they need to control and or destroy it to shovel their shit as well as they used to
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Project Veritas will Expose CNN will be released tomorrow. :lol:

Twit: @exposeCNN

It appears that Veritas has an insider in CNN that is/has been recording shit at CNN and is working with James O'Keefe. Hopefully, it's worth the hype.

not sure how you can even ruin their reputation at this point

what they gonna show us don lemon drunkingly plowing anderson cooper in the butt while they both do coke off an orphaned toddlers diaper?

yeah that is what they do daily on tv

at this point there is little ground or substance left to kick out from under them that they didn't do to themselves
Ship's identification known during attack: A James Bamford book[110] published in 2001 said that secret NSA intercepts indicate that Israeli pilots had full knowledge they were attacking a U.S. vessel.[111] The NSA website denies that there are any U.S. recordings of the attack itself; this is disputed by several intelligence specialists who say they have read the original transcripts.

When you realize israel fals flags have been going on for 50 years +

They never gonna stop trying tho
Ship's identification known during attack: A James Bamford book[110] published in 2001 said that secret NSA intercepts indicate that Israeli pilots had full knowledge they were attacking a U.S. vessel.[111] The NSA website denies that there are any U.S. recordings of the attack itself; this is disputed by several intelligence specialists who say they have read the original transcripts.

When you realize israel fals flags have been going on for 50 years +

They never gonna stop trying tho

good old USS LIBERTY

which in the new BIG MOUTH netflix cartoon show they used as a boat reference mocking the rest of us

then there is the good LAVON AFFAIR

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

oh they aren't just devious but can flaunt it and we still say nothing

they have perfected the game imo

they have truly mastered it
first link needs fixed

It was linked to a video of the ABC news report where they were describing the footage that they doctored. Youtube keeps scrubbing the ABC news airing of it so I copied it from someones twitter new feed link.

ABC just released this twit: CORRECTION: We’ve taken down video that aired on “World News Tonight" Sunday and “Good Morning America” this morning that appeared to be from the Syrian border immediately after questions were raised about its accuracy. ABC News regrets the error.

Lets see if this stays up.

"Kurdish CIVILIANS..."

Thanks Severed. I had no idea it was the wrong link. :lol:
i just spent ten minutes looking for that video of that "I believe MAINE" democrat who was laughing at white males overdosing for that last post in another thread

used to come up first page results

scrubbed from google and youtube

all replaced with intentionally vague references to ED BUCK being racist (not a Democratic donor)

i should have bookmarked it when i had it

but what would that matter when the probably took it down entirely

Google is literally the inverse of a search engine now

it gives me only what I did not ask for and do not want

same goes for the TYT video compilation of them crying after last election results

based on your IP or VPN it doesn't come up at all in most regions

that is how our internet works now. we hide the news you want to see and replace it with todays hot garbage
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