if we make it legal to wreck eagle nests should it also be legal to abort other peoples fetuses :Hmm:
if we make it legal to wreck eagle nests should it also be legal to abort other peoples fetuses :Hmm:

it's only legal to destroy eagle fetuses if they are deemed a minority and a "super predator" eagle fetus by planned parenthood.
And how many black people have tried to fire you?

Trick question
none, b/c black ppl don't become bosses or business owners b/c rasis and white man holdin me down
now's the time to storm Portland, antifa is weak and hundreds maybe even thousands of them have been locked up. go get em boys you can do this
Today on, What in the Fuck!?

Antifa Calls A Black Man Who Has De-Radicalized KKK Members A White Supremacist
Antifa labeled a black man, who has worked to de-radicalize KKK members, a white supremacist at a Pennsylvania event last month.

Daryl Davis was a speaker at an “Ending Racism” event organized by MINDS, which was part of a series “intended to create dialogue and promote viewpoint diversity.” Davis, a musician, is a race relations expert who has spent years speaking to and rehabilitating members of groups like the KKK.

About 40 Antifa members showed up to protest “Ending Racism,” which was moved from a New Jersey theater to a center in Pennsylvania because Antifa threatened to burn down the theater, Davis told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Some Antifa members called Davis, who is black, a white supremacist for attending the event.

“I laughed, I thought it was funny,” Davis told the DCNF. “What it proves is they had no point. They had no evidence of anything. When it boils down to just name calling people and you don’t show any proof and you refuse to talk to them … they refused to even come in. There were no Klansman or Neo-Nazi’s in there or alt-right people.”

Antifa was invited to come inside and attend the after-party but refused, Davis said.

“They [Antifa] want to shut down any dialogue with racists, people who have differing views of their own,” Davis said. “Their thing is, you know, just beat it out of them or make it impossible for them to meet.”

Antifa is a “radical” group heading in the same direction as the KKK, Davis added. He mentioned the KKK’s typical attire of covering their faces with hoods and masks to cover their identity, noting that “Antifa is now the one wearing the bandanas across their face or the masks.”

“A lot of these groups – let’s take Black Lives Matter, let’s take Antifa, let’s take the Ku Klux Klan – none of these groups today are centralized,” he said. “They’re all autonomous … It’s the same thing with Antifa.”

“Half of them may believe [in] what they’re doing … they may believe that they’re doing some good. But I truly believe that the other half of them [Antifa] are simply into anarchy … They’re anti-racist, so they’re gonna go beat up people who are racist – but this is the exact same thing the racists do. They’re not behaving any differently.”

Davis has been called “just about every name” from “race traitor” to “Oreo” to “a pimp and a prostitute,” he wrote on Facebook. He noted it was the first time he was called white supremacist, adding it “threw me for a loop.”
Church Vandalized After Pastor Opposed Drag Queen Story Hour
A church in Chula Vista, California, was vandalized after its pastor openly criticized the city library’s decision to host Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) for young children.

Chula Vista police are investigating the graffiti on the exterior walls of the South Bay Pentecostal Church as a hate crime, reported KGTV.

“Sure enough, at every corner there were phrases, hateful words, and graffiti on the walls of our church,” Executive Pastor Amado Huizar said, adding “there is no doubt” his church was targeted.

Many of the symbols and messages sprawled on the walls were reportedly associated with Satan.

The pastor said the event is not appropriate for young children and should not be funded by taxpayer dollars.

“If the people want to make that happen, do it at a private setting, at a book store or at a home, but not at the Chula Vista Public Library,” Huizar said.

The battle over the drag queen event intensified last week as an LGBT-activist member of the city council accused pro-family protesters of the events of holding “white supremacist beliefs.”

Everything opposite of Marxist ideology is white supremacism. :lol:

As I am looking into my crystal ball... I see... I can see that Harvard has 2 white supremacists enrolled as students. They just haven't discovered it yet.

Remember The Trump Rally Hate Crime Study? Here’s What Happens When You Look At Hillary’s Rallies.
A study purporting to show that hate crimes increased 226% in counties that hosted rallies for then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016 has been officially debunked. Not only did the study’s authors fail to account for the fact that political campaigns prefer to host rallies in populous areas, which already experience more hate crimes, but the authors didn’t check to see if the same increase could be applied to Hillary Clinton’s rallies.

Simply applying the same formula as the original academics, two Ph.D. students from Harvard University found that “Clinton rallies contribute to an even greater increase in hate crimes incidents than Trump rallies.” (Emphasis original.)

The Compost will be investigating these 2 PhD students any day now but before 6/15.