We were ahead of our time when it came to out of the box thinking

the fan would have to be as big as a wind turbine but i think we could do it

wish someone would actually try this experiment so we can finally get the truth
treadmill going backwards at speed of wheels turning forward

plane applying thrust in forward direction while fan blows against it

i hadn't thought about it before but i think ur right

if a plane landed on a treadmill spinning as fast as the wheels are going it would just stop moving as the treadmill gets going

probably terrifying for the passengers who would see the wheels spinning but nothing moving in the background
Most pilots bounce a few times
so there would be a little forward movement
from enercia

i hadn't thought about it before but i think ur right

if a plane landed on a treadmill spinning as fast as the wheels are going it would just stop moving as the treadmill gets going

probably terrifying for the passengers who would see the wheels spinning but nothing moving in the background

yeah, you're totally right, the wheels wouldn't spin at twice the normal speed of landing on the ground when landing on a treadmill at all, it would just dead stop the plane in place. u should be a physicist, bro.
Let me tell you again what happens when the air stop flowing sufficiently over your wings

In a fabric covered tail-dragger Stinson airplane
prolly 3000 feet up, off the coast over the pacific
you're 7 years old and have watched dad do some off power stalls
fairly gentle
Then he looks over and says we're going to do a full power on stall
He dives a little bit then pushes the throttle in and pulls the wheel back
As far as I can feel the nose is straight up looking at blue sky with the pacific ocean staring at me from behind
We keep climbing for a bit until you feel the plane kinda float
and then it topples to the left nose down straight to the ocean with the engine still opened up.. dad cuts the engine
and slowly starts to pull up
so I'll tell you what happens when the air stops flowing sufficiently over your wings
I'm white as a sheet and scared out of my wits and my dad looks over and forever feels a little bad he didn't prep me for that
if an airplane is sitting on a frictionless runway (brakes off, let's say it's a treadmill) and the wind blows on its nose at, say, takeoff speed, does the plane fly
Give this Reddit explanation a shot

The treadmill doesn't stop the plane from moving forward because the plane moves forward by grabbing the AIR with its propeller and not by grabbing the ground with its wheels.
The analog to a car on a treadmill is a plane in a wind tunnel. The propeller tries to grab the air and throw it backwards but the air is already moving that way so no forward movement occurs. If the wind speed in the wind tunnel gets high enough the plane could still "take off" but it would only rise in place or move backwards when it rose.

How does a plane move forward AFTER takeoff? The same way it moves on the ground. Therefore the ground or a treadmill has no impact on a plane's ability to move.