watever happen to scientology


Veteran XX
did all the rich celebs they depend on for $$$ switch to church of orange-man-bad or wut
Google Scientology Ship Quarantined for Measles and remember they are supposed to be superior and protected from petty earth diseases
They run big glossy ads in english on youtube from my TJ isp...
They make themselves sound all sciency and stuff... Show off what appears to be their fancy buildings. I was surprised they were appearing so 'strong'.
Its not really an appearance of strength. They own most of downtown clearwater to the point that a few years ago they were actually in a fight with the clearwater administration over property rights...and they were winning. They have an army of lawyers and low level drones
South Park blew that shit outta the water.
so they control some crappy little city, big deal... far greater threat is church of worship-the-jew, not to be confused with judaism
Scientology's ship sailed.
Then caught an outbreak of measles and wasn't allowed back to port.

Or... at least that's what I wish happened.
The chick from King of Queens made a joke of herself trying to bring them down.

Figured they lost all their power over Hollywood after the JLaw butthole pics were made public.
Their lawyers all went on strike for better pay.

That shut down the whole criminal operation.
they successfully shifted the media spotlight over 2 the #metoo movement


that's rite

#metoo was invented and perpetrated by the scilons so that the public would forget about their crimes
The head dude mckavich or whatever hasn't been seen in years.

They've never been a religion.

Also, religion is dumb.
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celebs learned not to promote it after bfield earth but they still control 70% of hollywood and even stand up comics will not criticize it so basically they gained media silence while they attain wealth and the state of florida

rumor is john travolta killed 37 people last year and did 1 school shooting and the level 2 drones covered it up
Hopefully, they go into a full-scale war with the Chosenites for control over Hollywood. I'm backing the Galactic Confederacy over Enlil in this war.