Watching that shit go down in Turkey: this wouldn't have happened if they had guns

so this is over because they were going to get rid of a park and turn it into business or something, right?

ive heard the news isn't covering this, which is pretty strange (i havent turned on the news though, so who knows)
"The News" is pretty irrelevant these days. News is what people are talking about on the internet usually. "The News" steals most of its material from there anyways.
Wasted Pussy. Those chicks could of been here sucking my dick. Instead they protested some BS government crap and died.
if them niggas had guns you know that the death toll would be like 1847743839202848595x higher right
How does the intelligentsia co-opt popular dissent if it doesn't follow or is agitated by the usual State guided channels of push media?

How does the State diffuse or take over social media networks? These inherintly democratic channels of communication are a THREAT to the State.

In North America surely the State under the guidance and expertise of the Intelligentsia have passed laws to block out the internet, wi-fi or cell transmissions when convenient?

All I'm trying to say is that our intellectual elites will use terms like "publik safety" to quelch popular dissent, since a safe populace is an inactive populace (Frank Herbert).