[wat] Jap Blackface?


Veteran X
I'm somewhere between amused and horrified. I thought I'd let TWar decide.

This was on Japenese prime time television.
Holy shit I started busting up when he couldn't hit the L when he sung 'and I think to myseRf' and his teeth were biting his lip.

Holy shit I started busting up when he couldn't hit the L when he sung 'and I think to myseRf' and his teeth were biting his lip.


I had the exact same moment of conflict. It's blackface, so it's awful, right, but then I hit that part and just couldn't stop laughing
Why is blackface so terrible again?

Michael Jackson had surgery to have a white face and no one complained much.
Why do black people get so emo over blackface? A bunch of fucking crybabies

Originally, it was because of how they acted when in blackface.

Now they just get pissy about anyone doing it. But they're supposed to get mad when they put on blackface and proceed to act like bumbling idiots because that's what black people are like
I don't see how this is blackface in the traditional racist sense. This is a completely different culture that has nothing to do with the original racist concepts behind blackface in America. To me this is just some Japanese person impersonating Louie Armstrong for some sort of talent show. I'm not seeing any of the racist stereotyping that's part of the truly offensive historical blackface.

edit: CMVDA explain how this is any different than a Japanese person impersonating a white Elvis?

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For being black, its funny you don't even know what blackface is.

This, however, is:

Pretty huge discrepancy between someone putting on makeup and copying the mannerisms of a famous black individual, and putting on makeup to copy stereotypical mannerisms of a race.