waste of your time, drunk typing

RennZero: you have to figure out a way to make them vomit or something when you fire them
Lord Hornblower: nah make them cough up hairballs while im shooting/cocking them
RennZero: yeah that works
Lord Hornblower: once I put bagira on alex's dvd rack and was doing bench presses with it with bagira on top and she was coughing up hairballs
Lord Hornblower: not something you see every day
RennZero: hahaha
RennZero: did she cough any up on you?
Lord Hornblower: no
Lord Hornblower: she just started, like coughing while sitting on the top of the rack
Lord Hornblower: and I kept doing bench presses while lying on the ground
RennZero: good job
Lord Hornblower: and then kyle picked her off the top because he though she was dying
RennZero: you should do that in a clown costume, and take the show on the road
RennZero: you could travel from city to city, doing street performance
Lord Hornblower: no do it with one arm while beating off and wearing a giant bacon costume
RennZero: bacon you say?
Lord Hornblower: like a bacon slice costume, so I could flail around too like I was being grilled
RennZero: i dunno about beating off, it might not be good for business
Lord Hornblower: not in san francisco
RennZero: no it would be ok up there
Lord Hornblower: rofl
RennZero: nobody would really notice
Lord Hornblower: hahahahaha