Was Finski a dick?

Yes, an extra hr round trip? Just do it.

If he offers to pay gas, refuse and say he owes you a small favor. I did that with someone before and it paid off big, but only because I knew he had good morals.
I did suggest that. He laughed.

I was going to suggest telling him to come to your house and u would drive from there...but if he laughed at that then let him eat cake.

Its kind of a dick move. Put it in perspective. Its 11 miles. Tell him you'll do it but he buys you a case of beer or something.

But its also a dick move for him to ask if his only reasoning for car pooling is that he doesn't want his car out in the weather (he obviously doesn't give a shit about your car). Thats a dick thing to do.

The cool thing about it is that you are both dudes, and while he might get mad at u at first he's not going to dwell on it like a girl for forever. You'll both get over it--probably before TDY is over.