[WARNING: POLITICAL BULLSHIT] So Kerry would offer Iran a nuclear deal...

[OPs]Prophecy said:
Yeah because despite the fact they have nukes, ever since they got them they have been firing them at every country like Peter North in a whore house. North Korea axis of EVIL...watch out they might fire another nuke at someone!

oh wait no they haven't. BUT THEY'RE EVIL!!! They will !

North Korea has been test firing intercontinental missiles over Japan for a while now.
Did you even read the article?

From this paragraph it seems as though most of the educated government which has dealt with this sort of thing for decades. I would argue the same that Bush is not the type of person who should even be a president since he is unwilling to comprimise and unwilling to discuss things with people.

The truth is, Iran would fuck itself if it gave nuclear weapons to some terrorist group, after seeing what happened in Iraq there is no way in hell they would do it. Not only that but by making a deal and setting terms that are agreed upon by Iran you gain world support and you gain a measure of control over their nuclear reactors, setting up watchdog groups and such. It is the much more diplomatic and logical not to mention the safer way to do thing.

If you take the hard stance on Iran you will have the entire middle east again you and thousands of people joining terrorist groups to hurt the US. How about you use your brain for once in your life.

The Kerry position has long been recommended by State Department circles. Current and former U.S. diplomats have warned against a U.S. confrontation with Iran, instead proposing a so-called "grand bargain" with Teheran that would include a removal of sanctions imposed on Iran.
Meso said:
North Korea has been test firing intercontinental missiles over Japan for a while now.

No he said nuking its neighbors. Not testfiring missiles like everybody on the planet does.
FngrBANG said:

I asked Waiden to link me where North Korea has been threatening its neighbors with nuclear weapons.

Meso said that N.K. has been test firing missile near or over Japan.

A missile fired, a nuclear threat does not make.

The only thing N.K. has ever threatened is to test a nuclear weapon(probably underground) as part of a testing procedure that all nuclear capable countries have done including the US and most recently Pakistan and India.

N.K. has not threatened to "nuke" its neighbors. Ironically though, if I were Japan I would watch out for the US nuking them though as according to history only the US has a propensity for "nuking" people.
[OPs]Prophecy said:
I asked Waiden to link me where North Korea has been threatening its neighbors with nuclear weapons.

Meso said that N.K. has been test firing missile near or over Japan.

A missile fired, a nuclear threat does not make.

The only thing N.K. has ever threatened is to test a nuclear weapon(probably underground) as part of a testing procedure that all nuclear capable countries have done including the US and most recently Pakistan and India.

N.K. has not threatened to "nuke" its neighbors. Ironically though, if I were Japan I would watch out for the US nuking them though as according to history only the US has a propensity for "nuking" people.
Blah blah blah blah *I must explain myself* blah blah blah *because my opinion is better than yours!* blah blah blah *because I understand the concept of moral relativism & whereas you are ignorant!* blah blah blah!

Damn, I feel like I've accomplished something here!
FngrBANG said:
Blah blah blah blah *I must explain myself* blah blah blah *because my opinion is better than yours!* blah blah blah *because I understand the concept of moral relativism & whereas you are ignoran!* blah blah blah!

Damn, I feel like I've accomplished something here!

lol fag.
FngrBANG, i haven't really enjoyed anything that you've posted since you let your thread of random facts die. :( What happened? (about the thread i mean)
[OPs]Prophecy said:
No he said nuking its neighbors. Not testfiring missiles like everybody on the planet does.

When the rest of us test fires missiles, we don't do it over someone else's country like in 1998. NK test fired a missile clear across Japan and downed it in the Pacific. During the cold war, did the US test fire missiles over Canada? It is the shortest path to the USSR after all.
Meso said:
When the rest of us test fires missiles, we don't do it over someone else's country like in 1998. NK test fired a missile clear across Japan and downed it in the Pacific. During the cold war, did the US test fire missiles over Canada? It is the shortest path to the USSR after all.

No they didn't have to, they just decided to set them up here and launch them from us instead.
[OPs]Prophecy said:
I asked Waiden to link me where North Korea has been threatening its neighbors with nuclear weapons.

Meso said that N.K. has been test firing missile near or over Japan.

A missile fired, a nuclear threat does not make.

The only thing N.K. has ever threatened is to test a nuclear weapon(probably underground) as part of a testing procedure that all nuclear capable countries have done including the US and most recently Pakistan and India.
N Korea threatens US with first strike
[OPs]Prophecy said:
No they didn't have to, they just decided to set them up here and launch them from us instead.

So would you be more or less threatened if the US set up missiles to be lauched over Canada instead of from it?
who cares if Iran gets a nuclear weapon? nuclear powers have a long history of not attacking each other. that's why EVERYONE who feels threatened by a nuclear power wants nuclear weapons.

Iran would not get nuclear weapons/weapons grade materials and then give it away or sell it; there's no good reason to do so and a million reasons not to.

countries develop and deploy nuclear weapons so other countries have to listen to them. to give away those weapons, even in a back-door attempt to blow up the infidel, is stupid and counter-productive. once they give them away, if they no longer have them. if they no longer have them they can no longer deter the enemies they intended to keep at bay. if they give away material to unreliable and dangerous people while retaining their own weapons they risk being destroyed despite the nuclear threat simply because they have proven themselves to be very dangerous people to have around.
apparently the right wing groupies didnt read the article and just blew there load on the headlines
not really, but at least i try to be non-partisan and my head isnt so far up bush's ass i cant see daylight