Warlock leveling - affliction still?

Yah. Destro is plenty good dps but a little rough on mana while leveling. demo is ok, but best once you get fel guard.
Yes, if you play Aff right it will have little to no downtime while leveling (hint: use lifetap and lifedrain+fel concentration). Drain tank until 50 and then you can go Felguard if you want, it'll be easier than Aff and have zero downtime thanks to Fel Synergy. Destro is bad for leveling.
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what pet should I be using?

Been sticking to void since he holds aggro and allows me to manage my hp/mp via tap and drains easier (nothing hitting on me)

I'm lvl 36 btw, as I'm typing this - if that matters.
Void is pointless if you have Fel Concentration. Go with Imp, Sucubus or Fel Hunter depending on what you want. Sucubus is the best pure DPS so that would be my recommendation.

Void can't hold aggro for shit anyways unless you majorly hold back (I don't remember hearing about them buffing him.

Apply dots (Immo, Corruption, CoA), drain life until dead, life tap, repeat. Once you get Dark Pact use that instead of Life Tap with a Sucubus with all skills turned off. The Siphon Life change is going to be a huge buff to leveling next patch since Siphon Life isn't generally worth casting as leveling (it's only good once you get some spellpower) but you always cast Corruption. Don't bother with Drain Mana, it's fucking worthless for PVE.

You should be able to manage your health and mana by doing that so that you can get away with just a bandage every few minutes. Once you get Dark Pact you should have zero downtime.
Ah, Void has been holding aggro fine so far - but then again I do kind of hold back I guess (to conserve mana) and whore my wand.

I had a feeling Drain Mana was shit. Felt like it was never really helping.
Wanding because progressively more useless as you level.

By hold back I mean doing all your dots then drain life you'll normally pull aggro. Spamming Shadowbolt is a pretty big waste of mana leveling since it's efficiency is shit compared to your dots and drain life.

Try just Drain tanking, you shouldn't lose more than 1 tick of it with Fel Concentration so it should still be pretty damn efficient from both a damage and healing standpoint. If you do that then you can use a higher DPS pet which is a significant damage boost.
I forgot that finishing every mob with Drain Soul is a pretty good amount of mana returned if you have Imp Drain Soul so that's worth giving a try too if you have the talent. Just make sure you have Necrosis or something set to destroy shards after a certain number or you'll fill your inventory with them.
Yep, I have fel concentration and the imp drain soul

The World of Warcraft Armory

Idk, maybe it's because I don't have all the talents but managing my hp/mp is a pain in the ass - at least compared to the other casters. I'm just spoiled from playing a priest w/ spirit tap I guess, so every other class' mana problems seem way worse.

I feel like I either have to always be low on HP or always be low on MP. I'm trying to get all the stam/int gear I can - that is the right idea, correct? More HP means more MP, so I've always heard to stack stamina.
Life tap before engaging mobs, cast SL, Haunt, CoA, life tap some more, DS them to death. Rinse, repeat.
Edit: I see you are 41. I'd suggest using Imp and fear juggling.
Well I recently got Dark Pact and that has all but answered the majority of my problems.

Soloing/grinding with ease now. Hit 44 earlier.