Warlock Alt tips?


Veteran XX
So I've got my lock up to 62, doing ok in outlands so far. I'm wondering if I'm doing everything the way I should be. I can usually handle dotting up 3-4 mobs and draining. I've noticed if I try to get more, that the 1st mob will reset and run away.

Here's my armory: The World of Warcraft Armory

Going for demonic aegis next, not sure after that. As for gear, I've got the netherweave gloves in my bag waiting for lvl 63, and looking for any trinket to replace the +healing on I have. It does have 8 dmg from the healing, so it's better than nothing, just not sure what I can get to replace it.

My main is a warrior, so I know the ropes for melee dps and tanking, but still trying to get better with a caster class.
although this is for mage, if you're looking for good grinding spots it works for your spec as well: Mage area of effect locations - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

tbh though, questing is so easy on a warlock, unless you really want to save your quests - i would just do that. you can pretty casually get a level a day 60-70 as warlock questing solo. more if you are serious. and this way gear takes care of itself.

grab tomtom and lightheaded questing mods

also imo, UE isnt that good/important for leveling. i would stick to instant casts and pick up reach and nightfall, maybe drop amp curse/ CoE and a couple suppression.
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Go scryer for the bloodgem trinket. I'd drop demonology and get nightfall, bane and shadowburn, but it's not a big deal to stay how you are until 70.