[Vista] And only 1 GB ram....

I'll get a couple more sticks. I think 4GB would be fine....but I'm pretty damned cheap so, I'm waiting on a good deal from Slickdeals.
AJ, come on man. Ram is dirt cheap. I paid $130 for a 4gb kit from newegg. Put the money down and get it done.

If you have a quad core with only 1gb of ram you are SEVERELY limiting the cpu and what it can do.

EDIT: XP runs fine on 512mb. I have a shitload of business clients and I put them on 512mb minimum. Most of them run great with 512. A couple need more, but not many.
You could get Ubuntu for free... my girlfriend got a Dell Inspiron 1501 with 500 mb of ram preloaded with vista (irresponsible dell) and I finally broke down and put Ubuntu Hardy Heron on it... I not only runs, it flies... I'm never paying for an operating system again. Its easy to use, easy to customize and quick as a cat on meth.