[vid] While my ukulele gently weeps

Obvious smurf. Whoever created this just to be annoying should have both accounts permabanned (if it's not already).

Whoa man, it's too early in the morning for that stick to be THAT far up your ass. Calm down, that was a decent little song.

Chill out dude. :bandit:
That was pretty freaking awesome. Thanks for the post member...you've already contributed more to this community than SharpShooter.
New to me :shrug:

But I don't live on the internet, and the 2 or 3 OFN's on the front page outweigh me.

Sorry meber, ban.
Bump. I don't care who posted it. Those are some tiny ass frets.
I watched all the way through wit no regrets.
I live above ground.
NewKidMan...Keep watching at least till the solo, minds will be blown.

Die, be bant, go away, hurt yourself, play in traffic, jump out a window, leap from the roof, slit your wrists, and have a nice day.