[VID] I think a lot of 1st world militaries won't really have a good way to fight drones

So these mysterious jerry rigged Russian tanks began to appear in some form months ago. I saw it first appear like this, but without the leading 2 wheels, or cages. There is a box of random plate metal put together. It seem the tanks are prioritizing layering itself at distances. They want the drones to detonate far away from the tank.

How long before tanks have some kind of dome on top that fires off little missiles. Like a mini iron-dome.

Also, if drones have, seemingly overnight, rendered the American Abrams tanks so irrelevant it doesn't have "the edge" in any situation in the actual war, can we assume it will never have the edge in any real life situation from this point forward? There would have to upgrades that address drones.

Guy's we're toast in WWIII. Our military is dominated by homos, trans, and black women. Our companies have been DEIed to shit. If you watch videos of Africans trying to make their own aircraft, that's what Raytheon is going to be like in a few years. Boeing can't even keep planes in the sky anymore. This country is done!


what do they think those little crab traps attached to the body gonna do?
Distance the tank and human from the drone when it detonates. I don't know if it's effective, but most jerry rigged tanks I've seen have had some effort to make sure a detonation doesn't happen right against the tank's armor.

In the Iraq invasion I remember a big to-do when an American asked Don Rumsfeld about armored Humvees and when they can expect them. Americans were welding plate metal to the outside of their humvees. Everyone in this war is building a housing that stands away from the existing vehicle.
I listened to a podcast with some US Army tank commander, he was talking about the Abrams being in action in Ukraine and how there is no realistic way for them to use it with proper doctrine because A) they don't have enough of them and B) they aren't trained well enough. Basically the Ukrainian forces are having to be VERY selective about how much risk they expose those tanks to, and because they don't have many, they're using them on solo missions which is apparently far from ideal.

I found it interesting he also brought up the use of "cope cages" which everyone makes fun of but he was very clear about them being an effective tool in the battlefield. They don't always work, but according to him they're absolutely worth having.

Edit nevermind wasn't a podcast, it was this interview:
Edit nevermind wasn't a podcast, it was this interview:

That's a good interview. It seems to have everyone's sudden attention. Him mentioning camouflage becoming relevant again and saying the drone is now the "apex predator."

This has a lot of recent footage of the new tanks. I don't like the war at all, but the sudden human invention is fascinating to see. The wire cages on some are just chicken cages. One of those has a Russian rear view camera as the only thing the driver sees, made originally for a car. He also said the attrition is off the charts. I think people in the militaries can identify the problems but no one really knows what to do about it.

Honestly, who would make the most effective/cheapest tech for this if DARPA were to drop a bunch of money on someone. Some company like Raytheon, BAE ect, or teenagers who have won national completions doing battle bots type stuff? All of this super expensive first world tech is getting smoked right now.
Russians call the tank housing Czar's Grill. Ukrainians call them turtle tanks. This seems very similar to what the Kill Dozer guy did in the sense that it could be built then just lowered on top. They should try to make one with a very simple frame and lots of chain link fence over it.

The way hearing aids work these days, I bet it would be very easy to make some that highlight the sound of an approaching drone. They use algorithms to make voices more loud. Could probably do the same with drones on short notice.
Russians call the tank housing Czar's Grill. Ukrainians call them turtle tanks. This seems very similar to what the Kill Dozer guy did in the sense that it could be built then just lowered on top. They should try to make one with a very simple frame and lots of chain link fence over it.

The way hearing aids work these days, I bet it would be very easy to make some that highlight the sound of an approaching drone. They use algorithms to make voices more loud. Could probably do the same with drones on short notice.
I like the idea of guided rockets. I’m not sure how viable it is, but they have been developing them for a long time.
An air burst warhead.

And some sort of vehicle sized shotgun mounted to a Bradley, or hummer for troop support. Like an absurdly large shotgun with a range of like half a mile and a thousand projectiles like a claymore mine.
Russians call the tank housing Czar's Grill. Ukrainians call them turtle tanks. This seems very similar to what the Kill Dozer guy did in the sense that it could be built then just lowered on top. They should try to make one with a very simple frame and lots of chain link fence over it.

The way hearing aids work these days, I bet it would be very easy to make some that highlight the sound of an approaching drone. They use algorithms to make voices more loud. Could probably do the same with drones on short notice.
drones operate within a certain frequency. Probably be fairly easy to make something to detect that frequency as well. Tell when its getting louder, probably even refine it down to locate drone and pilot
ya i do the same thing too

they're either on or off depending on who's calling me out

it's schrodingers sigs, u dont know till u check