[VID] I think a lot of 1st world militaries won't really have a good way to fight drones

depending on the type of shotgun round you're using, they would only be effective around 100 to 200 yards up in the air, otherwise, yep, pretty useless. drones can fly WAY high up and cameras can zoom WAY far in. :shrug:

i once took my DJI phantom up to about 8000 feet. :)
200 yards? A slug sure, but what else? Sure as hell not bird shot or buckshot.
I was under the impression that shotguns didn’t have the range to take out most drones, and that the extra 10lbs of kit, or the replacement of a assault rifle within a unit was juice that wasn’t worth the squeeze.
Early Ukraine war, most drones dropped nades. These could be high up out of range easily. They'd drop the nades in trenches from so high up the humans could not hear the drones. Recent drones are quad-copters that will fly into people or tank. They chase men around a few feet away while he runs in circles before it touches him and that's the end.

Tanks can't use shotguns, so the only idea Ive seen for them is the "drone armor" like in the first post. I think this will quickly become swarm vs swarm.
How it started. "Ukraine's Abrams tanks get game-changing upgrade, ready for combat"

How it went:

So there is apparently no real life situation now where the Abrams tanks can be used in any sort of combat where they have "the edge."
Imagine being the first American to go into combat after all of this in an Abrams tank, knowing a nerd with a Best Buy drone can take you out. Drones outside the tank, maybe AIDS inside the tank given the military these days.
How it started. "Ukraine's Abrams tanks get game-changing upgrade, ready for combat"

How it went:

So there is apparently no real life situation now where the Abrams tanks can be used in any sort of combat where they have "the edge."
I feel the same about aircraft carriers and battle groups now. I feel like in a purely modern peer vs peer war, they’ll be floating expensive coffins.
Some weapons just can’t be defended against, and machines that big are bullet magnets.
The same happened to battleships in WW2.
I feel the same about aircraft carriers and battle groups now. I feel like in a purely modern peer vs peer war, they’ll be floating expensive coffins.
Some weapons just can’t be defended against, and machines that big are bullet magnets.
The same happened to battleships in WW2.

sadly, i feel the same. aircraft carriers/battleships, to me, are sitting duck targets for nuclear annihilation, a couple of nukes would take them all out easily, and the best part for the countries that do it? offshore detonation, very little if any citizen casualties. :shrug:
sadly, i feel the same. aircraft carriers/battleships, to me, are sitting duck targets for nuclear annihilation, a couple of nukes would take them all out easily, and the best part for the countries that do it? offshore detonation, very little if any citizen casualties. :shrug:
My thoughts exactly, and you don’t have to score a direct hit to cripple the battle group and send it back to port. I read an article about the bikini islands testing where one of this ships near the detonation was still able to sail if it had a crew. The problem was most of the crew would have been dead in a week or two and the ship was so contaminated that it would be rendered near useless.

How do you defend a hypersonic stealth missile? You don’t. It hits or it doesn’t. You won’t even notice it until it’s too late.
I would think that the only way you're going to stop a drone attack in something like a tank would be some kind of chain link 'curtain'...or possibly mounting some kind of RF scrambler to the outside of the tank to do a general broadcast in the surrounding area on the right frequencies.

Shooting one down with your average gun will be next to impossible

I have been watching some of the footage on youtube and I've seen a couple Russian armored vehicles that have like a hard canopy with a chain netting around it but that only covers the turret, still leaves the rear and sides where the armor is thinner, completely vulnerable.

I've also seen a lot of videos where infantry guys are just riding on top of the tank and they get taken out fairly easily
Militaries adapt. Drones aren't gonna win the war but they're a fucker for sure. Lots of footage and conversations out there with guys who were at the front lines. They adapted.

We're spoiled by decades of American aggression against small weak states. Everyone forgot what an actual peer conflict looks like.
lol u nerds

grunts r still the cheapest, easiest 2 mass produce, and most versatile

poor ppl (men) will b the mainline weapon in ww3, just as it's always been thru the ages even w/ promises of new and exciting killing machines

we r the drones
Imagine being the first American to go into combat after all of this in an Abrams tank, knowing a nerd with a Best Buy drone can take you out. Drones outside the tank, maybe AIDS inside the tank given the military these days.
BestBuy: For all your anti tank needs.
So these mysterious jerry rigged Russian tanks began to appear in some form months ago. I saw it first appear like this, but without the leading 2 wheels, or cages. There is a box of random plate metal put together. It seem the tanks are prioritizing layering itself at distances. They want the drones to detonate far away from the tank.

How long before tanks have some kind of dome on top that fires off little missiles. Like a mini iron-dome.

Also, if drones have, seemingly overnight, rendered the American Abrams tanks so irrelevant it doesn't have "the edge" in any situation in the actual war, can we assume it will never have the edge in any real life situation from this point forward? There would have to upgrades that address drones.

Guy's we're toast in WWIII. Our military is dominated by homos, trans, and black women. Our companies have been DEIed to shit. If you watch videos of Africans trying to make their own aircraft, that's what Raytheon is going to be like in a few years. Boeing can't even keep planes in the sky anymore. This country is done!
No, because the M1-Abrahms in the hands of the Ukranians and the same tank in the hands of the U.S. is not the same thing. The U.S. tanks have shitloads of ancillary systems that give them a 360 deg. view of the battle space. Radar, AWACS, satellites, infantry, drones, etc. all feed info to a u.s. Abrahms. Ukraine doesn't have all that. They have a shiny tank that is practically a stand alone weapons system
It's still the little things that will get ya
and I'm talking microscopically smaller than a drone
or an atom

little things like this


even smaller things like this

u know what else usa doesn't have?



cuban cigars

Schools that don't need "active shooter" drills every 2 weeks.

Medicine for everybody

Education for everybody.
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