Vatican police raid cardinal's apartment to stop drug fueled gay party

Clearly this was demonic possession and not his fault. He'll pray for a while and God will cure him of the gay. ? Who the fuck even reads that

Well when a cardinal in vatican city gets busted for snorting coke off an alter boys penis... You don't go to MotherJones. You go straight to the source for the story.
why would this negate catholicism's tax-exempt status

we're talking about a religion that withstood the discovery that 75% of its members were raping kids, this was a legal gangbang in the apartment of some secretary with no officials present

it's barely more of a scandal than some televangelist getting caught with a hooker
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and why do you keep repeating the coke allegation? I read a few articles, there's no mention of any specific drug.

oh and zomg some gays got caught doing shite and shit. Meh
I can't help it if you're stupid

ROME, July 5, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) -- A high-ranking Vatican monsignor who is a secretary to one of Pope Francis’ closest collaborators was arrested by Vatican police after they caught him hosting a cocaine-fueled homosexual orgy in a building right next to St. Peter’s Basilica.

High-ranking priest caught in cocaine-fueled gay orgy in Vatican apartment | News | LifeSite

and I wouldn't care either but they enjoy tax exempt status dipshit. cocaine using buttfuckers are not paying taxes
i love how this pope is now opening his mouth about US and Russia relations like it would be a bad thing. Like two nations with orthodox Catholics working together, or talking, would be a "disastrous" idea in his mind.

This pope is as anti-pope as any in history

it is like he is trying to gut the religion apart at this point

that joke about is the pope catholic is going to get new meaning here soon if this keeps up

why would it bother a confirmed catholic? how does the taxpayer side of you feel about an organization that participates in sodomy of children and gay cocaine filled orgies and yet they don't have to contribute taxes?

Do what you want by all means but let's all share the bill huh?
why would it bother a confirmed catholic? how does the taxpayer side of you feel about an organization that participates in sodomy of children and gay cocaine filled orgies and yet they don't have to contribute taxes?

Do what you want by all means but let's all share the bill huh?

no one in this story is american, how do taxes figure into this

your tithe dollars hard at work

catholics don't tithe