Vanster pls explain

I must of missed a lot of threads, I don’t recall Vanster ever posting as a feminist sympathizer. Socialist at times, sure, but can’t recall a feminist post of his. I actually thought he had a history of trouble with women he’s been with. Of course I miss a lot because I really don’t try to track every move of tdubbers like some do around here.
Oh now I'm not worth it. Haha ok bitch boy. Kids? I only have a Son. A Son who needs to stop bypassing the school's filters via proxies before I have to sweet talk the teacher for him again. My Son is set for life thanks to me. That evil bitch of a daughter got what she had coming and will be preggo before she is 18 living the wetback dream. Just like her mother. Really looking forward to the day she begs me for help so I can laugh at her before I hang up on her.

EDIT: Damn girl you cant even hold true to your own feelings. What a pussy you are.

Father of the year
Validuz wishes he had the balls to smack a bitch

instead he just rages about them on the internet

You know you’re talking about Validuz, right? He is Like a child who sees the boogeyman everywhere, except he sees liberals everywhere.
Hey just so you guys know and before someone outs me I'm just going to tell you now I was thrown in jail in Ensenada Mexico for being around a group of guys who were smoking pot at the time it was a lot of money I had to give up $10 I told them not to take my surfboard thank goodness they didn't

I think this happened around 1979. Okay I'm glad I don't have to have that burden hanging around my neck here anymore

It's actually a fun story about a guy who brought the joint into the jail with him when he was arrested and we had to flush it down the toilet that was in the cell only to find out that the toilet didn't flush... Iahh what a fun night
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