Valve just announced the next Half Life title

Sounds like Valve committed to VR taking off and it never did. Now they are stuck in limbo to release this type of crap.

While I somewhat respect the effort to be on the bleeding edge... they could have updated CS much more often, released smaller (yet successful) HL releases, l4d3, etc...

They have no one to blame but senior management with no backup plan.
I'm going to wait until I see official news on a Gaming News Website that I trust.

Like TribalWar dot com Gaming News
I'm probably younger than you.

And I'm a POC

don't assume my gender either pls

check your privilege and your prejudice
i just realized this is VR required, not optional. and if that also means steamVR only... well lets just say it better be the best game of all time lol

rabid fans are known to get a little antsy, devs got deaththreats over a recent pokemon game not havin their fav furries. and HL fanbom are up there... tho that probably died down after all these years.
VR with room scale like the vive is really fucking amazing. It just lacks in games. Hopefully this will help correct that a bit.
With today's climate of one shit "AAA title" after another we have games like The Outter Worlds release to comparatively great acclaim even though the game doesn't do anything that wasn't standard 10+ years ago.

Valve should have jumped at the chance to deliver a HL3 that would have been passable in 2007. What else is there for idiots to play? CoD and Anthem? lol.

I never liked HL2 but Valve needs to let go of the 'it'll never live up to the hype' mentality. Today's market offers absolutely nothing outside of the anticipated Cyberpunk 2077. Just put the fucking game out and get to work on a TF3
VR doesn't have me overly excited, the technology is still years and years away

still though a half life title is a huge fucking deal. HL1 is considered one of if not the most revolutionary game of all time. and HL2 is on more best pc games of all time list than any other title ever made.

i know we're TW and we're old and hate everything now, and this will probably suck, but it's big news.

i wonder how much of the HL2 creative team from 100 years ago are working on this
i'm going to call it now.

5 months after release, a player number check on this game will show around 340 people playing it, a little more than artifact. gg.
I remember playing these games with my daughter when she was a wee tike... good times

All I want is a first person shooter, going through awesome levels of imagination, with coop mode up to 4 using computer & internet...

that's what I'll be looking for when I build again som.........

Coop games are great.
VR doesn't have me overly excited, the technology is still years and years away

still though a half life title is a huge fucking deal. HL1 is considered one of if not the most revolutionary game of all time. and HL2 is on more best pc games of all time list than any other title ever made.

i know we're TW and we're old and hate everything now, and this will probably suck, but it's big news.

i wonder how much of the HL2 creative team from 100 years ago are working on this

not big news 2 me, may as well be half life: mobile.

mr. gabe new... newe... neway I'm gonna play this game, anyway

I'd actually love to play VR tribes, but I feel like it might be a vertigo/motion sickness nightmare.