Vael strats

You need 4+ tanks. The more tanks you have, the easier it will be to get it. Since I'm a caster and all I have to do is shadowbolt, I never really paid attention to what they are doing. Also, get the addon that announces when somebody has the debuff so they can run into a corner and die alone (emo's dream come true).

another thing, it is very easy to wipe at 1%. Our first time killing him we lost a few people to an absent minded player early on. At 1% all of our tanks were dead and only had a few people left up. It was a very long 1% but we got it.

But at the end of the day, it is all about tank transistions.;4121720;;/fileinfo.html

A mage made this and got BA at the start so it's just him watching the fight.