V for Vendetta question [SPOILER THREAD]

I sensed some definite Bush bashing in this movie, but nonetheless I thought it was awesome.

All I could think about when V walked into Evey's prison chamber was him saying "Mr. Anderson..." Hugo Weaving is a badass.
Tribalbob said:
although it's a good movie, an excellent movie, even skimming through the wiki will show that it deviates very heavily from the story in the novels.

here's my question: V makes it plain throughout the movie that he doesn't believe in coincidences, and the way the movie unfolds shows there are no coincidences in his world.

so what is the connection between V and the gay guy (forgot his name.) both cooking "toad in the hole" for Evy?

and as for all the irony regarding V using the same methods as the oppressors and all that shit, that's all fairly intentional and was in the books as well.

The breakfast thing goes back to what Evy says at the end: [paraphrased] "He's part of all of us, he's you, he's me " etc.

Just shows that he was the people, and the people were him :shrug: they both greeted her the same too.
they never outright SAY it that i can remember, he doesn't say "oh and i'm gay"

but he does admit to it if you have comprehension levels beyond that of a 3rd grader.
Well, in the movie when the detective is reading the journal of the lady doctor she says that, because of the treatment, V didn't remember who he was before coming to the facility.
The breakfast wasn't toad in the hole - toad in the hole is sausages baked in and around a batter almost. I guess it is batter, but it's baked, not fried. Tasty stuff.
Amusing that Alan Moore didn't want to be credited, considering he even made a cameo (I'm pretty sure that was him in the bar scenes).

That last gunfight was pretty kickass. The mask looked so incredibly cool when it was all shot up.
Hugo Weaving kicked ass. Most of the time I couldn't even recognize his voice.
After reading a little of this thread, I have determined that there are some people who 1) should never go to movies because they won't be entertained, 2) shouldn't watch movies because they never know what the fucks going on, and 3) should probably kill themselves out of sheer stupidity.
the breakfast is "egg in a basket" and you can get it at crackerbarrel restaurant...

edit - to add an opinion part, I thought it was a really good movie... very thought provoking. and I am not afraid to say that because I am not some too-cool-for-school nerd on the vanguard of the comic scene or some college kid who thinks he is at the vanguard of literary study...
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Gabe said:
he did kick ass... i'm just saying he wasn't as hardcore as i would have hoped.. he should have ridden the train all the way to parliament (before he died)

Yeah, having full clips emptied into you by multiple assault rfiles and a large caliber pistol, then killing the 10 dudes with daggers and breaking the neck of the last one isn't hardcore.