USB problem...


Veteran X
Ok, I just moved into my dorm and rehooked all of my shit up.
The computer starts but windows wont load until I take out this certain usb plug from its port (im pretty sure its just one thats fucking up -i have four ports and all usually have somethin in them).

On the start up screen was something about plug in play....

Now if i wait until windows starts i can put the plug back in and it works just fine... w t f

halp me tw!!!
Why, his USB electric toothbrush of course!
is it this one particular device that does it in all ports or is it one particular port that does it w/ all devices?

btw what OS, and what exactly does it hang at when it doesn't "load" windows
ah ok back-its this microsoft commadner thing (its old and i never used it except its got this nifty thign that lets u switch between speakers and headphones). When its in the computer at startup I dont get beyond that screen that u see when u first start ur just stops...I took it out...went in bios and put them in then i couldnt navigate thru so i took em out (then i could navigate).

Its not that huge of a deal as the switch feature still works (only the lights on the device dont work but who cares) but this is annoying...