US doesn't honor NAFTA and shits on Canada


Veteran X
Thousands and thousands of jobs were lost when the US put
counterveiling duties on Canadian softwood lumber imports. Probably
not big news in the US, but here in BC it was huge, as the economy
felt it.

Too bad the Americans were wrong, and yet again shows that the US
are a bunch of big trade bullies, even with their allies..
well, you wouldn't listen to us over the pot thing, so eat it

hope your jobless citizens enjoy their pot
flyte said:
Thousands and thousands of jobs were lost when the US put
counterveiling duties on Canadian softwood lumber imports. Probably
not big news in the US, but here in BC it was huge, as the economy
felt it.

Too bad the Americans were wrong, and yet again shows that the US
are a bunch of big trade bullies, even with their allies..
I'm sorry, but the remora does not tell the shark what to do.
Three words.


Giant Sucking Sound​
wait, once?

just remember that the 'remora' is the mullet capital of the world, and that the most troops the 'remora' can pony up for a war is 30 :lol:
the US has been making its own rules and breaking NAFTA anytime they feel like it for years, what makes now any different?
scy7he said:
Just remember that every time this "remora" has had a war with this "shark", the remora has won.

just remember the remora was a territory of crown at that time and it was a war between the Brits and US. Feel free to try it again though if you guys think you're so tough.
scy7he said:
Just remember that every time this "remora" has had a war with this "shark", the remora has won.
And yet the remora is dependant on the shark these many years later.

besides, what were these wars? Would these be the ones where it was canada and britain vs the US? :lol: Way to ride the coat-tails to victory.
Groove said:
the US has been making its own rules and breaking NAFTA anytime they feel like it for years, what makes now any different?

What's different is that the WTO says they're wrong.. someone's
got to put them cowboys in check.