Uhuru's...what do you guys know about these geniuses?


Veteran X

So some members of St. Petersburg's black community are being stirred up by the Uhuru's and have started rioting, attacking other city members, looting and generally carrying on criminally. Their reason? They're mad about a shooting 8 years ago. A decision on a settlement is going to jury this afternoon, and I suppose that they want to be ready just in case they don't like the verdict (who wants to get caught with their pants down when riot time comes?!). They're also using another recent shooting as an excuse to act like assholes. In this latest story of police brutality, a black motorist was killed after leading the cops on a 20-block chase and ramming their cruisers with his truck and trying to run them over. Oh, he had 30 pieces of crack on him too. Obviously an upstanding citizen who the police singled out because of his skin color.

A friend (who is Black) and I were discussing the Uhuru's (who are responsible for organizing protest and encouraging unrest) and how you never see them unless they are looking to disturb something. You don't see them cleaning up neighborhoods, or opening community centers. You just see them protesting and yelling about how whites hate them.

Now, we've got the possibility of riots this weekend. Shops are already being destroyed (the two mentioned in the article are Black and Korean owned..I find that ironic), people are already being attacked, and the white Mayor is already being blamed for the "conditions that led to the violence." MLK Jr. is spinning in his fucking grave.