TW weightlifters :x(M1T)

TSI said:
Either way, I'm just going to hurt any of the guys looking for some decent gains with recommending the wrong way (any artificial supplements/hormones/steroids).

Honestly, eat healthy, workout properly, and don't cheat. That's the only way to do it.
TSI said:
Either way, I'm just trying to help out any of the guys looking for some decent gains without going the wrong way (AAS).

you're a retard if you think m1t is any less dangerous than AAS! make sure you get yor liver values checked.
goku it's called milkthistle, and as long as you're not out pounding down beers every night you will be fine.
jmk, does this mean i shouldn't even go out and buy a buckt o' protein? laff
yea.. thats like roids in a bottle :|

saw some thing on cspan about it

However, substantial anecdotal evidence exists (from the bodybuilding community) that Methyl-1-Tesosterone is powerful and yields gains similar to a reasonable dosage of illegal steroids.
tsi.. it is a steroid
it puts stress on the liver
it inreases aggressiveness
it decreases the apetite

why else would it be banned

your muscles are just going to go away when m1t goes away. my muscles will stay
why wouldnt ruffryda use them is the better question

hes got to be better than all the other all-state outside v hitters if he wants to make it into the ranks of professional volleyball
I'm sorry I can't make up for ppls ignorance in concern to legal and illegal supplements. So far MastaPowers is the only one to make sense (and yes I've got my 6oxo on hand). hi nelps :x