TW Oregonians

we have more californians invading our state...might make me want to move to oregon someday. there's always b.c. or alaska though! i don't know if i could deal with canada's gun laws though :ugh:
Yeah, people who move here and then bitch about when it rains(even though it really doesn't rain that much here) need to go away.
Haha this is great. I hail from Oregon, went to high school in Salem. Funny that the Statesman Journal is on TW! lol

And I say it Organ.
Born in North Dakota, but spent most of my life in Salem, Oregon, home of the Statesmen, which is one damn crappy paper. I'm now trying to offset the Californians invading Oregon by being an Oregonian invading California.

It's two syllables, pronounced Ore-gin.