TW doctors and/or smokers, explain this.

I think you might be having anxiety/panic attacks because your body is in a state of shock without the constant marijuana flow. So yeah...
Don't Panic

You'll be fine

(also, if you call 911, the ER will put you in lockup for 72 hours)

edit: Sometimes what you THINK is happening to you can manifest itself physically. It could just be in your head, but be prepared to take care of yourself no matter what.
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symptoms seem dead in line with a panic attack- cause could be a # of things psychological, ur bodies response to marijuana (altho weird because you've smoked b4) or some other drug provoking sympathetic/adrenergic response (maybe ur weed is laced with somethin?)

the shoulder pain has gotta be referred pain from someplace around heart or diaphragm maybe
it will only get worse unless you stop now
you are one of the unlucky ones who develop problems with weed

i did and noticed that once or twice so i stopped, then it went away
Do an own risk

A way to beat these possible anxiety attacks is to do some weights and the next day smoke a blunt. With sore muscles you might find that you don't experience those pains. Also water, you do drink it right? and.. your not hungry are you when these things happen? I'm thin and get more anxious if I'm due for a feed.

When you have your 'pains' try an aspirin (just polain aspirin).

Lay of the coffee.

Try smoking less in one hit, and don't do acid if you already lose it on pot.
Does TW have any doctors (besides self-medicating ones?)

i'd advise seeing a real doctor and/or just plain quitting

picking up another smoking habit probably isn't a good idea though
Where in the world do you get that exercise is going to cure you of what you did to your body? You need to see a doctor and you need to tell that doctor all of the facts about what you're doing and possibly any other drugs that you have tried even if it was one time.
Where in the world do you get that exercise is going to cure you of what you did to your body? You need to see a doctor and you need to tell that doctor all of the facts about what you're doing and possibly any other drugs that you have tried even if it was one time.

yeah there should be patient confidentiality

i think they only tell family about drug use if you're under 18. i'm pretty sure they don't rat you to the police unless you show up high
james said:
further, marijuana isn't really the 'benign' drug everyone thinks it is

it manipulates the brain and various neurotransmitters in ways that we don't even fully comprehend yet

one of the other metabolites, CBD i believe, is linked to negative mental side effects associated with marijuana (paranoia/anxiety)

marijuana causes a surge in dopamine in the body, which has been found in psychiatric patients to be linked to psychosis and schizophrenia. an entire class of drugs is devoted to antagonizing dopamine reception.

so its entirely conceivable that your marijuana use has provoked some kind of anxiety condition or caused an underlying one to come out

Actually it is a 'benign' drug. It manipulates the brain and a single neurotransmitter, in ways we completely comprehend. THC and other cannabinoids mimic anadamide in the brain. It doesn't do anything but bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain (with no damage done to any receptors).

CBD isn't a metabolite of THC, it's another cannabinoid called Cannabidiol, which actually appears to have a sedative effect on the body. It's the chemical in the plant that relieves nausea, inflammation, convulsion, and it even prevents anxiety attacks, so no, it's not linked to paranoia/anxiety.. that's THC.

Dopamine release isn't involved in the 'high' produced by marijuana, at all... which is exactly why marijuana isn't addictive. Other drugs, such as ecstasy, coke, opiates, nicotine and heroin, do involve the dopamine pathway, and as such, they're (no shit) physically addictive. That aside, the "marijuana causes underlying psychotic disorders to rear their head" thing is bullshit and has been proven false as there has never been anyone who can conclusively prove that the psychotic disorder was brought on by weed, and that it wasn't just the person using weed to self-medicate (they've found that the majority of people with psychotic disorders also smoke [90% i think]).

This isn't marijuana's doing, especially since marijuana would ease muscle pain, not cause it. Perhaps you have a more serious problem that a doctor needs to diagnose. We need a lot more information too, if we're going to try to help. What's your height/weight? Do you smoke (cigarettes), drink, do any other drugs?

(oh and it's not a tumor, they proved that cannabis smoking doesn't cause cancer (infact it actually may prevent it) back in May)

If it's a breathing problem, it didn't get brought on by marijuana. Weed has been proven to not cause any form of COPD. More info plz.

Smoking Marijuana makes him have anxiety attacks. If he doesn't smoke, he doesn't have the attacks. Therefore he should give up smoking... right?

edit: you've never seen anyone addicted to marijuana? how about the thread starter?
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based on some not-so-light reading, i have come to the conclusion that worstaim is one of the dumbest fucking people on the internet

congratulations worstaim
Psycadelc said:
Smoking Marijuana makes him have anxiety attacks. If he doesn't smoke, he doesn't have the attacks. Therefore he should give up smoking... right?

He should definitely give it up, because it's agitating whatever other problem he has. He should also see a doctor to find out what the real problem is. I wasn't advocating not smoking, just explaining that marijuana did not precipitate the problem he's having.

Azra3l said:
based on some not-so-light reading, i have come to the conclusion that worstaim is one of the dumbest fucking people on the internet

congratulations worstaim

Prove me wrong faggot. Oh wait, that's right, you can't because my information is based on research done from harvard, the UCLA, the Institute of Medicine, The American Journal of Neurology, and various other reputable sources.

So plz, keep sucking my cock.

nice job proving me wrong. Instead of making yourself look like a jackass, why don't you show me why you think I'm wrong, and show me the "not-so-light" reading you did. If I'm wrong, I'd love to know.

Psycadelc, I've never heard of anyone who is physically dependant on marijuana. There's certainly a mental addiction present, but that's mostly because smoking can become routine, and you get used to doing routine things. Also, much like watching TV, going to the gym a lot, or driving a fast car, it's fun. There is no physical addiction, though, like there is with cigarettes. If you stop smoking weed, you won't get sick, or go through any withdrawl. Another poster was talking about how he smoked weed and cigs and when he went on vacation he was worried he'd miss weed too much, however, he was surprised to see that he only thought about and missed cigarettes.

I'm giving up weed for a while, because it's too expensive. I've been smoking weed every day for about 4 months straight, so if there's any addictive qualities to it (none have ever been proven to exist), I should have problems quitting. I'll let you know if I have trouble breaking the habit ;).
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while the rest of your post seems on target (hah) smoking weed will throw carcinogenic hydrocarbons your way (more so than cigs in studies I have read) which would increase risk for some type of carcinoma in resp system! altho i doubt he has any type of tumor and obviously it won't definitively cause it in everyone