Tuition fees vs no fees

ebola.....oh hells no

you are a brave person for being there that long

and i am getting this feeling about most public schooling today. it is a holding cell.....that holds them until they can figure out what other holding cell they will fall into.

jail cell......or cubicle cell

no wonder they want preschool to be public funded. it can add a few more years of indoctrination and millions of dollars to this system


such a cynical fuck
human farming hard as hell

sometimes we need to hand feed them before their parents can corrupt their offspring with unique beliefs or values

turn them feral and wild and serve the greater good no real purpose or utility

Finland is top 3 in non-African-shithole suicide rates. They can't be that happy.

We have largest depression rates among the youth in the whole world I think.
(atleast documented, not sure if asian countries even diagnose depression yet).
We are far from happiest people on the earth.

although we rank #5 on this list
World Happiness Report - Wikipedia
This report is bogus as it does not take into account subjective feelings of happiness. Aka gallups where you ask people if they feel happy or not. GDP is really not a good indicator of happiness.

For better data than GDP, I'd look for
Gallup 2016 Global Emotions Report - Ecoclimax
in which western countries really do not shine. (Paraguay being the "happiest"). Switzerland being closest to the top at #10.
Good video about human farming. Left Vs. Right and nothing changes as they get rich.
It's what the 99% are protesting with the walk on Wall Street. Every civilization has slaves, people who make less money than others. I'd love to go back in time to Egypt and see how they conned those workers into building the pyramids. Had to be a promise they'd go to some heavenly place. Kinda like the terrorists today, you'll get 42 virgins for blowing yourself up.
She doesn't work but she does like to keep up with things like a glass of wine with her friends and tennis so daycare is great in that respect. She does stay home sometimes but she feels she has to because you just cant trust those housekeepers nowadays.

You pay for daycare with a woman who doesn't work?

Holy fuck, what a beta. I bet you walk around telling yourself: "happy wife, happy life!" Jesus fuck, man. Did you not have a father growing up?