Trumps Tax Returns

red, facebook is curating your news feed based on a bunch of things like what groups you belong to and what you've liked previously.

you're not getting a complete picture of what's going on locally or globally - you're getting the feed facebook's algorithm is pushing on you based on your past behaviour.

it's designed to keep you engaged on facebook's platform so they maximize ad revenue. it's not designed to keep you informed.

Picture is painted by boots on the ground. Out thinking the algo's is not hard.
FB has ads?
red, facebook is curating your news feed based on a bunch of things like what groups you belong to and what you've liked previously.

you're not getting a complete picture of what's going on locally or globally - you're getting the feed facebook's algorithm is pushing on you based on your past behaviour.

it's designed to keep you engaged on facebook's platform so they maximize ad revenue. it's not designed to keep you informed.

That's why I come to TW, so I can get the blithering idiots side of things. The left never fails to disappoint with it's raging TDS.
:lol: red, you're not out-thinking anything. facebook's algorithms feed you content based on how you've interacted with the platform in the past.

it's simply picking up patterns in your previous behavior and sending you stuff it knows you have the highest chance of interacting with.

it's part of the reason why you're so misguided.

That's why I come to TW, so I can get the blithering idiots side of things. The left never fails to disappoint with it's raging TDS.

til talking about facebook's newsfeed = raging TDS.
:lol: red, you're not out-thinking anything. facebook's algorithms feed you content based on how you've interacted with the platform in the past.

it's simply picking up patterns in your previous behavior and sending you stuff it knows you have the highest chance of interacting with.

it's part of the reason why you're so misguided.

For a pleb what you said is true. I am no pleb.

1. Behavioral Dataset.
2. Behavioral Prediction.
3. Behavioral Direction.

I know exactly what I am doing, and defeating the algos is not hard. FB's F9 Algorithm is my whore.
Now that the child has been educated. Back to topic. Special shout out to the DNC for providing this for us all.


EDIT: Let me know if you want Bidens 2010 charitable donations for comparison.
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We knew they would respond this way. Everybody agreed it was agregious that Amazon owed and paid no tax; it was international news, and everyone was upset by it. We should all be upset by it.

But Trump paying Ivanka (lol) consulting fees to lower his liability is lol. His supporters thinking it's great that they pay more taxes than him is lol. There is no group in the world mocked harder than the Trumpsters.

Why do you think Amazon pays no tax? Do you even know the code that permits them to reduce their tax liablities?
It was my understanding that it is illegal to publish someones tax return without their consent:

26 U.S. Code 7213 - Unauthorized disclosure of information | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

So, why would the New York Times rehash this information again, when it didn't go over well in 2016? Why sit on this for years, why not back in 2016? Is the Left getting desperate that they're now willing to risk jail and litigation? It's obviously not a coincidence that this drops on the eve of a very important public debate and coinciding with Project Veritas publishing their report on Ballot Harvesting.

So we went from "Trump is a treasonous criminal and existential threat to liberty" to "he's not paying his fair share!"

He paid $750 in Federal income tax in 2016 and 2017.

The tax code is figuratively 2 feet thick and I'm sure there are plenty of rules and exemptions to be exploited by knowledgeable people to minimize how much money you have to pay the federal government. That's why you hire fancy accountants from high-brow business schools to manage your finances.

However, I'm not a fancy accountant and not that savvy when it comes to filing tax returns... but I do know that Donald Trump was President of the United States in 2016 and 2017. I know that he resigned from his businesses and doesn't get paid by them. His only paycheck is from being President of the United States and he donates the entirety of that to various charities.

With no annual income from his businesses and donating 100% of his Presidential salary of $400,000 to charity... you'd think that would result in him not owing the Federal Government anything, let alone $750.

So... the question I have is... does he or does he not owe the Federal government tax? Is he evading paying tax like so many wealthy celebrities get caught doing? Is this just a smear to Donal Trump to taint his public image on the eve of a very public debate and election cycle?

And/Or does this not just show how dumb and convoluted the Tax Code actually is and how unfair it is to the generally ignorant common citizen of the United States?
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So, why would the New York Times rehash this information again, when it didn't go over well in 2016? Why sit on this for years, why not back in 2016? Is the Left getting desperate that they're now willing to risk jail and litigation? It's obviously not a coincidence that this drops on the eve of a very important public debate and coinciding with Project Veritas publishing their report on Ballot Harvesting.

So we went from "Trump is a treasonous criminal and existential threat to liberty" to "he's not paying his fair share!"

And/Or does this just show how dumb and convoluted the Tax Code actually is and how unfair it is to the generally ignorant common citizen of the United States?

The Dem leadership know they are fucked. Their media accomplices in treason also know they are fucked. They have nothing to lose by going all out.

POTUS has publicly stated many times the tax code is screwed up.

All of the lies by the dems, and all the lies by the media are a hail mary that will be intercepted.

Think what you all have seen is crazy? Think again.
We welcome multiple perspectives across our community, knowing that we’re stronger for our diversity.

Diversity is reflected in the name, right
They sure do get a lot of President Trump's money
and fuck all he's poor
Must be an important charity...
UJA-Federation of New York
oh well, pretty sure President Trump is on the Right side and will win
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im not sure “qualification” is some absolute binary...the people decide if they accept qualifications presented to them.

its remarkable to think people still cant understand how he won the nomination or the general. People are frustrated. Neither team is helping. So throw this windbag in why the fuck not...
Then you add people being legitimately concerned with voting for a blood sucking demon...and tada
right if ur interested in endless middle east wars building the Chinese communist economy

into a superpower joining debilitating green accords and leaving our borders

open for cheap labor and votes then imo ur qualified to lead