Trump's getting impeached lolololol

He's busy rationalizing why obvious corruption can't be investigated for corruption due to hypocrisy. Leave him be while he shorts out.
I know reason and logic is hard for you guys but let me know what you can’t comprehend and I’ll break it down for you.
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I know reason and logic is game for you guys but let me know what you can’t comprehend and I’ll break it down for you.

Here's a logic game for you then, lets talk about issues.

Chart of the Week: The black-white gap in incarceration rates | Pew Research Center

While institutionalization rates rose for both blacks and whites from 1980 to 2000, it was especially sharp among the less educated black men – rising from 10% in 1980 for those ages 20 to 24 to 30% in 2000. In 2010, the institutionalization rate for this group dropped to 26%, but, as was the case in 2000, they were more likely to be institutionalized than they were to be employed (19% employment rate in 2010). Institutionalization and employment trends were similar, if not more dramatic, for black men with no high school diploma ages 25 to 29.

So the liberal talking point is the disproportionate incarceration rates between whites and blacks are due to racism.

Abortion rates by race and ethnicity | Guttmacher Institute


Abortion’s Devastating Impact Upon Black Americans - Public Discourse

The inconvenient truth of “black genocide” significantly decreased the potential black population of Georgia over the past fifty years. According to recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics, while African-Americans constitute 32.2 percent of Georgia’s population, 62.4 percent of abortions in Georgia are performed on African-American women.

So the liberal talking point is the disproportionate [strike]incarceration[/strike] [abortion] rates between whites and blacks are due to [strike]racism[/strike] [women reproductive rights].

Please explain to me how one of these issues is due to racism and the other is not due to racism.
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I know reason and logic is hard for you guys but let me know what you can’t comprehend and I’ll break it down for you.

i've been axeing u 2 do this 4 like ur last 500 straight wins now and u still haven't done it

get the damned crayons and construction paper u promised me and get to work, u bum
btw i would like 2 point out that we see a bigly decline in baby murder @ the start of the :flag: ~OBAMA~ :flag: administration :cool:
Because it’s totally normal for the President or the United States to care about a private citizen making more money than he should because of who his father was. Lol.

Oh and don’t forget the holding up aid and bribing thing.

Here's a logic game for you then, lets talk about issues.

Chart of the Week: The black-white gap in incarceration rates | Pew Research Center

So the liberal talking point is the disproportionate incarceration rates between whites and blacks are due to racism.

Abortion rates by race and ethnicity | Guttmacher Institute


Abortion’s Devastating Impact Upon Black Americans - Public Discourse

So the liberal talking point is the disproportionate [strike]incarceration[/strike] [abortion] rates between whites and blacks are due to [strike]racism[/strike] [women reproductive rights].

Please explain to me how one of these issues is due to racism and the other is not due to racism.

i mean look at all that racism

it just proves it

racism is that thing where when you have a nice car or truck or home or clothes or jewelry and someone kills you for it right?

cause otherwise I don't think i understand what is happening.......why prisons are full of them and why short term gratification always takes precedent over long term investing/effort

why certain people always choose theft over hard work
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Because it’s totally normal for the President or the United States to care about a private citizen making more money than he should because of who his father was. Lol.

Oh and don’t forget the holding up aid and bribing thing.


holding up money + bribing


I think you need to look at what the definition of a bribe is

it is giving money for favors.......not withholding it for others favoritism
the most dangerous enemy of the left is logic

justice system is racist

abortions targeted at black communities not racist

.....i think i get the leftist position? they want to kill blacks BEFORE they can get to prison.
they want equal outcomes

not equal opportunity

anything that isn't equal is evil. even if a homeless crack head and engineer brain surgeon astronaut have different cars.

we were dumb enough to let them get this far with their real agenda before putting our foot down..........or back on their communist loving necks again
the most dangerous enemy of the left is logic

justice system is racist

abortions targeted at black communities not racist

.....i think i get the leftist position? they want to kill blacks BEFORE they can get to prison.

also they love war now

but fuck the baby killer soldiers

they love laws


they love government


they want to take the guns but cops and military are scum and Trump is the DEVIL

I mean it has got to be tough life to put your entire responsibility and personal accountability in others hands but them never doing a GOD CHOSEN KINGS best work with it

it isn't easy being an adult baby these days
Because it’s totally normal for the President or the United States to care about a private citizen making more money than he should because of who his father was. Lol.

Oh and don’t forget the holding up aid and bribing thing.


it's like you are actively, intentionally lying to yourself and trying to convince yourself that the Biden's can't possibly be corrupt. That Hunter Biden being on the board of "the most corrupt company in the Ukraine" is just a normal, everyday thing that should be ignored. That Joe Biden withholding a billion dollars in aid from the Ukraine unless it fired its Attorney General equivalent who had investigated Burisma and even admits that he had in a sworn affidavit, is just crazy talk, nothing to see here folks, keep moving.

i mean, you can't make this shit up. :shrug:

i mean come on, imagine if the President of the Ukraine demanded we fire AG Barr because he was corrupt and because he wasn't investigating Biden and Burisma enough? It's absurd, at best.
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Yeah dude, I can’t keep doing this with you. You keep asserting debunked things as though they were true.

And I’ve also already admitted, as well as everyone else, that Hunter got the job because of who his dad was.

Christ. You’re like a broken record.