Oh come on Fool, you're really reaching now....this is super simple.

Deny science - don't wear a mask - increased chance of catching Covid.

Deny Science - don't wear a seatbelt - increased chance of dying in a wreck.

The other commonality being of course "muh freedumbs". Precisely the same mentality that allows Darwin a shot.

If I didn't word it in precisely the way you would have liked it, you sure as fuck knew what the analogy meant.

This isn't difficult Mitch.

Your original comparison was restricted to a single cause and effect. That seatbelt denouncement increases your risk of dying in a wreck. You omitted the middle part, the actual wearing of the seatbelt or not part. You then retorted with "there's a connection between not wearing a seatbelt and the risk of dying in a wreck", which omitted the denial phase, and claimed it was the same thing. So instead of saying:

Denial + Action = Predictable Effect

You actual said:

Denial = Predicted Effect

followed by:

Action = Predicted Effect

Then said that (Denial = Predicted Effect) = (Action = Predicted Effect) as some sort of weird defense of your misstatement. Regardless of all of that, it still doesn't address the fatal flaw in your reasoning, in that it's totally predicated on the fact that you're outright dismissing any action purely speculatively based on the denial even existing.
just curious, do you know what your blood type is?

some research says type O blood has it easier than type A during covid.

sorry i just got around to catching up on replies

i am type A, there's lots of superficial evidence that this blood type has a higher chance of covid symptoms being severe, albeit there isn't much peer-reviewed work around this yet. they were for me, i was nonstop coughing up like solid gelatinous phlegm. food tasted like paper. still can't smell anything.

there was a stretch of 3-4 days where i sat in the shower 4+ hours a day, on scorching temps, shivering my ass off. my GF (and tbh me to a lesser extent, i got cocky) downplayed the disease. i remember thinking 'if i die here undignified in this shower today i wonder if she'll feel slightly guilty about giving me shit for getting sick' lol. she was asymptomatic the entire time, although tested positive. it's seemingly random and there's lots of shit we still don't know about the virus.

also wear a damn mask, the politicization and general antipathy towards it is fucking weird. saying this as someone who will very probably vote trump
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Of course I 'm not going to speculate about the numbers, nobody in their right mind would try to pin it down like that. And yes other governments have handled it badly aswell, specifically Boris Johnson in the UK, disastrous. Most of the rest of Europe has handled it much better and the data speaks for itself. The graph of deaths over time in the USA is still trending in a straight line, most other countries it flattened out sharply from May.

Do you genuinely believe that if Trump had taken a more empathetic, science-driven safety first approach to this, you would still be at 208,000? Straight yes / no question which answers everything else for you.

You've already speculated on the numbers. You've specifically stated he's responsible for 200,000. Meaning you believe categorically that some or most of those could be averted with different actions taken. I'm asking you for specifics. What action was not taken that another country did and how many lives could reasonably have been saved as a result of that action.

I mean if you want to live in ambiguity, that's cool. It makes things easier obviously, because you don't have to make an actual assertion and defend it. It also makes the reverse true by the same logic. I could assert using your same reasoning that because of Trump's good actions the number is only 200,000 and not 2,000,000. I'm not going to speculate on numbers or state what those actions were though.
This isn't difficult Mitch.

Your original comparison was restricted to a single cause and effect. That seatbelt denouncement increases your risk of dying in a wreck. You omitted the middle part, the actual wearing of the seatbelt or not part. You then retorted with "there's a connection between not wearing a seatbelt and the risk of dying in a wreck", which omitted the denial phase, and claimed it was the same thing. So instead of saying:

Denial + Action = Predictable Effect

You actual said:

Denial = Predicted Effect

followed by:

Action = Predicted Effect

Then said that (Denial = Predicted Effect) = (Action = Predicted Effect) as some sort of weird defense of your misstatement. Regardless of all of that, it still doesn't address the fatal flaw in your reasoning, in that it's totally predicated on the fact that you're outright dismissing any action purely speculatively based on the denial even existing.

If I didn't word it in precisely the way you would have liked it, you sure as fuck knew what the analogy meant.
Words have meaning Mitch. Maybe don't use analogies if you can't frame them correctly. In either case it doesn't excuse applying it incorrectly.
also wear a damn mask, the politicization and general antipathy towards it is fucking weird. saying this as someone who will very probably vote trump

i honestly don't know how you all excuse the trump administration for allowing mask wearing to become this politicized.

consider that trump and people like jared and ivanka were fully briefed about the dangers of covid and knew early on about the importance of masking up.

instead of being presidential and setting an example these people decided to run with politicizing it because that tested well with his base. it's sickening.
BTW you might want to tell your son he's probably been using analogies wrong since he was 9.
You've specifically stated he's responsible for 200,000.

I'm not gonna trawl through every post i've ever made on this but I really don't think i've ever said he's responsible for 200,000 or almost all of the deaths. If I did then it's hyperbole. I have said "thousands" in this thread I believe, and I think that statement holds. So of course we're really down to subjectivity and opinion, although the data can't be ignored. So here we are, here's what I think..

Trump's approach to dealing with the virus, the actions he has taken or not taken, and the message he has sent to the population has resulted in thousands of deaths, very probably tens of thousands, and the data I see, when compared with outcomes in many other countries, seems to support that viewpoint.

Now you?
People who say things like "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy" don't understand what a real enemy is.
Words have meaning Mitch. Maybe don't use analogies if you can't frame them correctly. In either case it doesn't excuse applying it incorrectly.

OK, if it makes you feel better, you got me. I'm used to dealing with people that need things kept really simple for them, so let's just say this one is yours and thanks for making me think. Just give me a heads-up next time you're gonna read my stuff and i'll frame if for you instead of Plasmatic et al. GG.

But just admit you knew what I was driving at, alright?

Anyway, bedtime in the desert, I guess i'm gonna have a lot to read when I get up .

I'm confuse

Do we blame trump for New York and New Jersey having 1800 deaths per million

Or do we credit Trump for Texas and California only having around 500 deaths per million
I'm confused

Do we blame trump for New York and New Jersey having 1800 deaths per million

Or do we credit Trump for Texas and California only having around 500 deaths per million

It's almost as if Democrats followed guidelines from the CDC and Republicans treated them like a hoax.

I'm not gonna trawl through every post i've ever made on this but I really don't think i've ever said he's responsible for 200,000 or almost all of the deaths. If I did then it's hyperbole. I have said "thousands" in this thread I believe, and I think that statement holds. So of course we're really down to subjectivity and opinion, although the data can't be ignored. So here we are, here's what I think..

Trump's approach to dealing with the virus, the actions he has taken or not taken, and the message he has sent to the population has resulted in thousands of deaths, very probably tens of thousands, and the data I see, when compared with outcomes in many other countries, seems to support that viewpoint.

Now you?

I've never had an opinion on whether it should be more or less than 200,000. There are too many variables to make country comparisons a reasonable course of action. Differing climates, population sizes, densities, ages, conditions, when a virus first appears, where it spreads before you're aware it even exists, travel restrictions, legal powers to combat it, authorities, rights, testing amounts, testing standards, qualifying standards for a death, etc.

You could state "a mask recommendation on February 8 would've saved X more lives than a mask recommendation on February 9" but not with any certainty. It's a possibility that it pushes more people into cramped stores looking for masks in a location with virus carriers too. You've got dozens of countries with similar responses but with vastly different outcomes. You've got dozens of countries with differing responses again with vastly different outcomes. Would I prefer those numbers be lower, of course, I'm not a monster. I'm not, however, going to make the claim that it absolutely could be lower without providing the how and the reasoning as to why that would be the case. That's just comes across as partisan hackery.