Tribes: Vengeance - Flop or not?

Gmankuza said:
who cares about gamespy

nobody does. it has the numbers for who's playing what though, and that seems to show that who cares about T:V? I know I bought it and found the mp too crap to pay much attention to after a week (plus I played it in beta and demo)
I thought beta was going well, and the final release was fine.

I guess they majorly fucked up on advertising. cuz i remember t2's release having more ppl then this...and t2 was a pos on release.

:ugh: it pains my heart to know that t:v is going nowhere :(

(and its not that *i* care about gamespy, i just care about that # of players it has)
I like the game so to me it's not a flop. But based on sales / people playing ... its just mediocre at best.
put out a map pack of actually good maps with skiable land. maybe I'll think about coming to play.
thrax posted in TT that the new marketing guy that took the place of Marweas basically dropped the ball when it came to marketing.
the ladder's look decent

i rarely see any ppl from the good teams pubbing tho, kinda sucks. u'd think they'd fill the majority of the pub, but its usually only 4-6 known players, or the rest are smurfs.

not seeing alot of these people playing, says to me, they dont really like the game and are just here for competition. which i think will makes the ladder weak because people will only put up with the game for so long just to compete (t2).

so im thinkin flop, but that doesnt mean im not gonna enjoy it.
Got Haggis? said:
thrax posted in TT that the new marketing guy that took the place of Marweas basically dropped the ball when it came to marketing.

no kidding
There's already been 2 threads covering this subject that were on the front page all day yesterday.
One is like 10 pages long with every reason under the sun.

Instead of discussing whether T:V was a flop, the correct thread should be to discuss how to get Sierra to make

T4 = T2 and T1 with new Graphics.

You see, if any other game company tries to make T4, they'll be sued. So we must get Sierra to hire another studio to do it. Much like Valve came along and made CS:Source not changing much. There should be a freakin FAQ covering what the FANS want with the exact design specifications. Everyone will vote on each aspect of the game, the FAQ will stay up, and eventually Sierra will see it and make T4.
T:V satisfied neither T2 die hards, nor was enough to bring T1 players back into the fold. The people who like T:V are a minority, who like it's freshness and it's middle-of-the-road approach. There is a lot of talent on the ladders already, and frankly the 100's of posts on this subject are simply pathetic attempts to justify people being tired of Tribes.
The reality is, if T:V doesn't start doing well we don't have to worry about even talking about a 'T4' because it won't happen.
GoD-Chry said:
The reality is, if T:V doesn't start doing well we don't have to worry about even talking about a 'T4' because it won't happen.

Well we never expected a T3 to happen ever and we weren't worried about it. We just migrated to other games and topics. I like T:V but I know it isn't doing nearly as well as it should. Advertising, or lack there of, has really killed it. Hopefully Sierra and VUG has something up their sleeves for a push after their patch perhaps but I'm not overly hopeful.
Got Haggis? said:
thrax posted in TT that the new marketing guy that took the place of Marweas basically dropped the ball when it came to marketing.

the game could have sold a 100,000 copies, people aren't playing the mp because it stinks.

someone mod it like t1, or release that SS mod, and maybe this thing will be more then some expensive coasters :(
10 bucks a HL2 commercial will be shown on TV
be smart VUGames and figure out a way for both games to share the spotlight
dudeman said:
the game could have sold a 100,000 copies, people aren't playing the mp because it stinks.

someone mod it like t1, or release that SS mod, and maybe this thing will be more then some expensive coasters :(

Nobody plays T1 anymore, so modding it to be like T1 won't do shit. If people want to play T1 they'll play T1.

Truth be told, Tribes players have moved on. Add to that the fact that TV came out amongst Doom 3, Half Life 2, Sims 2, EQ2, WoW and even Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, and there's just too much out there competing with a niche market.